Friday, September 20, 2024

The Price For Justice Denied Is Finally Paid

Here is something the Left can get its panties in a wad again. It was reported today in the New York Post and elsewhere that America’s ally Israel, through its IDF military arm, took out Hezzbollah leader, Ibrahim Aqil.
Why does this matter? Well, in 1983 he was one of the masterminds who killed 241 Marines in Beirut.

Aqil, most recently a member of Hezbollah’s highest military body, the Jihad Council, “was eliminated in a targeted intelligence-based strike in Beirut,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

At the time of Aqil’s death, the IDF said, he and other terror commanders were planning a fresh incursion into Israel to “kidnap and murder innocent civilians in a similar manner to the October 7 Massacre.”

But I am sure the anti-Semites will lament his death and castigate Israel. Of course they will. That is what they do best.

And, finally, the families of the Marines and the embassy staff, and others who died because this man practiced hate, will get the justice which was long denied to them. And I share in their relief.

Thank You and God Bless the IDF for doing the work which should have been done forty years ago.

The Disastrous Biden Legacy

What will be the Biden Legacy for his Presidency? High inflation? Failure of Foreign Policy? The rise of Anti-Semitism worse than in the 1930s?
How about the Weaponization of the entire Executive Branch?

Any one of these would be an unmitigated disaster to his legacy just by itself. But together, they reveal incompetence, stupidity and criminal behavior against the American people, generally, and persecution of opponents specifically.

Especially the Weaponization of the Executive Branch.

We all can agree that the DOJ is out to get Donald Trump; whether you like him or not, if you are a fair-minded person, you must admit that some of those charges would never be raised against a Democrat. And you know, many are not as pure as the driven snow.

And fortunately, the courts still hold some sway to make certain Constitutional Law, as written, prevails.

The latest weaponization has occurred with the FAA saying SpaceX violated launch requirements during two missions: In July 2023, during SpaceX’s EchoStar XXIV/Jupiter mission, the company used an unapproved propellant farm as a fuel supplier. In May 2023, it failed to conduct a pre-launch poll and used an unapproved launch control room.

But, as reported in the Washington Times today, Elon Musk said in his counter-suit, NO PUNISHMENT was assessed to Boeing for its failure in the Starliner Fiasco despite almost killing two astronauts AND the potential of blowing up the Space Station.

He will sue the Federal Aviation Administration for “regulatory overreach” after the agency fined the company $630,000 for violating launch regulations.

Good. The “Lawfare” Biden has overseen must be stopped and when the bureaucrats running the show get fired for causing financial harm to the United States, then perhaps, it will finally stop.

Meanwhile, this is Biden’s Legacy. GOOD JOB, Joey. You made your family proud.

And in fifty years you will be remembered as the Most Incompetent and Corrupt President we ever had. Teapot Dome will be a blip compared to what you were.

All Rebuke the Biden Legacy!

When You Are a Democrat, Just Lie and Expect to Get Away With It

President Biden claimed yesterday that he NEVER spoke to Jerome Powell ONCE during his four years as President. He emphatically made this statement during a speech to to the Economic Club of Washington, saying, "Unlike my predecessor, I respect the Federal Reserve's independence as they pursued a mandate to bring inflation down."
He is right. NOT ONCE did he speak to Chairman Powell of the FRB. Instead, he spoke to Chairman Powell THREE TIMES.

According to reports in Fox News Digital and other sources, he spoke to the Chairman in May, 2022 in his third in-person interview since becoming President in January, 2021. This was reported separately by Bloomberg and Reuters. And found on You Tube.

So, I wonder what he wanted to talk to the Chairman about. The Stanley Cup Playoffs? The names being rolled out for the upcoming Hurricane Season? The name he gave to his new dog?

Of course, being the honest and highly respectful person Biden is to “respect the Fed’s independence, which I have done and will continue to do,” surely he NEVER spoke about raising interest rates or increasing the monetary supply or utilizing other tools at the Fed’s disposal to combat the raging inflation at that time. Right? RIGHT?

Of course not. Biden ALWAYS maintains integrity above reproach, mindful that he is only the President and not supposed to interfere in another person’s responsibilities.

And where were all the independent fact-checkers yesterday when he said this? At a convention? Looking at everything Donald Trump said? Head in the sand?

And how many other times did Biden talk to Powell that we have not yet discovered?

I am sure David Muir and Lindsey Davis were doing something very important. Like lunch. Or looking for pick-up sticks. Because no mention was made of Biden’s falsehood and lie on ABC News.

Because he is a Democrat and the LAME Stream INCOMPETENT Media NEVER fact-checks DEMOCRATS.

Especially when they blatantly lie.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sit Down, Shut Up and Burn in Hell

This will be short. I am tired of Americans sitting in the halls of the Congress, both in the House and in the Senate, lecturing on us on morality, when they are blatant anti-Semites. Like Schumer and Sanders and Warren. Like Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz and Frost.

Like AOC and her anti-Jewish squad.

I agree with Senator Jodi Ernst as was reported in NEWSMAX. These people, led by Ocasio-Cortez, hate Israel and Jews so much, they are blinded by their hatred and their outrage.

Where were these bigots last October 7, when Hamas took innocent victims, men, women children and babies, tortured them, raped them and killed them? You bigots said NOTHING at the time. In fact, you all promoted Pro-Hamas fever in this country.

NOW, Israel has decided to retaliate against these terrorists and you cry for the TERRORISTS? Because these cowards hide beneath hospitals and civilian neighborhoods?

You sicken me with your hypocrisy. You are evil. You belong in Hell.

Do us all a favor, sit the feck down and shut the feck up.

The Church's Continuing Denial

In June, 1981, six children witnessed what they called the appearance of the “Gospa” or Lady in what is now Bosnia, a region in the former Yugoslavia. The children, Ivan Dragičević, Ivanka Ivanković, Jakov Čolo, Marija Pavlović, Mirjana Dragičević and Vicka Ivanković, ranged in age from twelve to sixteen at the time.
The site is in Medjugorje and had become a shrine of devotion to millions of Christians and others, much like Lourdes, Fatima or Guadaloupe, to pray to Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ, to intercede on the behalf of the devotees.

As you may know, she is revered by those who practice the Abrahamic religions. She is known as Maryam, Miriam and Maria, among the Muslim Jewish and Christian faiths.

For years, the Catholic Church has reserved its acceptance of this “miracle ”, but it was reported today in Reuters and elsewhere, via various Vatican sources, that finally, the Vatican’s doctrine office offered a cautiously positive (and mixed) assessment Thursday of alleged Marian messages emanating from Medjugorje, authorizing the local bishop to issue a declaration of “nihil obstat” (“nothing stands in the way”).

It took forty-three years for the Church to recognize what so many others held in their faith without question. The Church in its usual double-speak both honors and still questions the devotion worshippers still hold.
According to the DDF’s note, “the nihil obstat indicates that the faithful can receive a positive encouragement for their Christian life through this spiritual proposal, and it authorizes public acts of devotion.

But it continues, “the positive assessment that most of the messages of Medjugorje are edifying does not imply a declaration that they have a direct supernatural origin. Consequently, when referring to ‘messages’ from Our Lady, one should always bear in mind that they are ‘alleged messages.’”

Apparently, the Church continues to play both sides against the middle, trying to instill doubt in those who truly believe and accept the appearance of fhe “Queen of Peace”.

You would think the Church would be satisfied and delighted that people would find a pathway to a more religious experience. Instead, it continues to cast doubt masked with false hope on the faith of so many.

When will the Church realize it is people’s faith that matters, not the words of ecclesiastical beaucrats?

Voyager or V-ger - Is It Art or Life?

Do you know where you were on September 5, 1977? It was Labor Day, and I was enjoying a day off from the Bank with a woman I had recently started dating, with her six year old daughter. We decided to go to Kissena Park, in Queens, near her home for a picnic. 

I took her and her daughter to the playground to spend time just before summer vacation ended.
That same day, another event took place that, at the time, we took for granted as just another space launch. It was Voyager 1 which was designated to eventually go to Jupiter. A few days later, Voyager 2 would be launched for redundancy’s sake.

In 1979, Star Trek – The Motion Picture made reference to it, as “V-ger” was returning to Earth to find its “Creator” in the 23rd Century. Fiction, yes?

Not so fast.

No one thought at that time EITHER Voyager would still be around, communicating with its “Creatorforty-sevn years after they were launched, never mind three hundred years later.

CNN Science reported that while both Voyagers left the heliosphere years ago, NASA was recently able to make a course correction to Voyager 1. The heliosphere is the boundary where the effects of the sun, like its light and gravity, ceased to make a difference or have an impact.

They are both now traveling through interstellar space more than fifteen billion miles away

Star Trek territory. 

As luck would have it, radio communication is still possible. And as long as communications continue to exist, NASA engineers can send corrections to the spacecrafts. It may, however, take more than forty-eight hours to send and receive the correction signals and ackowledgements. 

But it is all good.

Our lives as we lived them almost a half century ago are so different now. We have and use tools we only saw on Star Trek and Star Wars. They, and we have moved from fiction to reality.

So, is life imitating art, or did art convert to life?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

When Online Destroyed Plastic

It has been circulating for months and today it finally happened. Iconic Tupperware Brands, which was founded by Earl Tupper in 1946, declared bankruptcy today in Federal bankruptcy court due to its $811MM crushing debt.
It was reported by the Associated Press that Orlando, Florida-based Tupperware plans to continue operating during the bankruptcy proceedings and will seek court approval for a sale.

It is obvious that the fall of the company is due in part to online companies’ ability to provide similar products manufactured overseas. In addition, companies like Glad and Hefty provide like products in supermarkets and discount stores, and as impulse buys more cheaply than this American-developed company.

In a bit of nostalgia, people, generally women, would host “Tupperware Parties” and sell them through and to their friends. Coffee and cake would be served and the host would generally get a gift from the distributor-salesperson.

This became the model for other products to follow like Avon Makeup, Sarah Coventry Jewelry, Mary Kay Products and Christmas Around the World. These were the first “side hustles” to make our “mad money”.

Hopefully, Tupperware be proven durable and will make a comeback.

On Betraying an Ally

Even if I were told a secret by a friend I would NEVER betray the trust. Nor, if I SUSPECTED my friend may have done something I thought he MIGHT have done, it would not be up to me to reveal it. That is HIS responsibility.

That is called the Seal of Confession. But the "Devout" Catholic President conveniently forgets that.
However, once again, the Harris-Biden Administration has decided to betray Israel on national TV. It was reported by Brett Baier of Fox News that a senior administration official told him specifically that it was Israel who created the pager explosion yesterday in Lebanon.

Sell out America’s ally in the Middle East, you anti-Semitic bastard.

Israel said nothing. It was not up to our government to say anything, even if they only suspected it. And certainly not to betray a confidence.

But the anti-Semites which permeate the Harris-Biden regime could not contain their glee to sell out Israel. That is how much hate they hold for Israel. It is obvious to even the most casual observer.

When Donald Trump becomes President again, the world will once again see what an ally really is. Until then, no one can trust our government.

November 5 can’t come fast enough.

Who Activated the Pagers?

It seems that pagers held by members of Hezzbollah were hacked and exploded, injuring at least 3,800 terrorists. This story was reported world-wide late Tuesday morning.
Many sources, including The Jerusalem Post, USA Today and many other outlets and sites have continued to update it all day.

A Hezbollah official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the detonation of the pagers was the "biggest security breach" the group had been subjected to in nearly a year of war with Israel.

Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah have been engaged in cross-border warfare since the Gaza war erupted last October, the worst such escalation in years.

At this point, while Hezzbollah is claiming it was an Israeli cycyber-attack, no confirmation or denial has come from the IDF or anyone from the Israeli government.

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, was reportedly wounded in the explosion, according to Iranian state-owned Mehr News Agency, as were a variety of senior Hezbollah officials and relatives of the terrorist group’s parliamentary MPs.

Perhaps, it might be in Iran’s best interest to rein in their client groups, lest additional harm find its way to Tehran. Even if Israel did not do this, knowing that the Israelis have an excellent tech industry, it would make eminent sense.

After all, is Iran really interested in starting a war with a nuclear and technological powerhouse? I can’t believe the Ayatollah and his Mullahs would be THAT brazen or worse, THAT stupid.

But then, maybe they are.

Donald Trump's "Consequential" Comment

Yesterday, Donald Trump regaled the crowd with an update on the latest assassination attempt at a Town Hall in Flint, Michigan. You remember Flint, yes? The city of Flint, Michigan changed their municipal water supply source from the Detroit-supplied Lake Huron water to the Flint River. And took two years to resolve.

Anyway, President Trump  recounted some of the events surrounding the latest assassination attempt against him. He tried to foist some humor by saying he was disappointed that he had to leave the golf course just as he was going for a “birdie” (one under par) shot.

But then, he made an interesting comment. “Only consequential presidents get shot at,” Trump said during the event before telling the story, calling it a “miracle”.

Those six words made me think how right he really was. In my lifetime, I can recall only three Presidents getting shot at: John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Each was consequential.

John F Kennedy was a strong anti-Communist, strong on defense and a civil rights advocate.  He also gave Americans a tax cut. After the Cuban missile crisis he wanted to wind down the Cold War, beginning with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT.

Ronald Reagan also was a strong anti-Communist, was strong on defense and gave Americans a tax cut. He worked to end the Cold War and negotiated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. 

Donald Trump was a believer in a strong military, closed the border, worked for America’s energy independence, gave Americans a tax cut and kept America out of new wars, while negotiating our withdrawal from a war, started and continued, by his two immediate predecessors.

Each of these Presidents put America’s interests first on the international stage and was vilified for it by the cabal in the military-industrial complex. Today we call this the Deep State.

Makes you begin to think who really has America’s best interests at heart, doesn’t it?


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Met Fan Roots For a Yankee

As many of you know, I am a die-hard, loyal, long-suffering, tried and true, Orange and Blue Since ’62, devoted fan of the stepchild baseball team of New York, the New York Mets. Been there for those few glory years and there as well, as they broke my heart, more often than not.
But I am also a longtime fan of this nineteenth century pastoral game, best played during a Sunday picnic in the park, and appreciating the almost one hundred fifty years of its history. By boys and girls, women and men of all races, creeds and heritages, no matter what skills or talents they bring.

Today, I would like to speak about one such player, who plays for my team’s long-time nemesis, the New York Yankees. He is presently the latest Captain of this storied Franchise, which has had Captains named, Ruth and Gehrig, Munson and Nettles, Mattingly and Jeter.

Just to name a few.

Captain Aaron Judge has proven, since he arrived in 2016, that he is a leader, both on and off the field. He currently has 310 lifetime home runs, including 53 this season as of yesterday’s game. He has 132 RBI this season which leads all of MLB. And he plays hard everyday, even in pain.

But he is also the founder and contributor of his time and money to All Rise, a foundation which children and youths to become responsible citizens by engaging them in activities that encourage them to reach unlimited possibilities.

This is someone EVERYONE can root for. Even a Met Fan like me.
He has twelve games left this season to get ten more home runs to beat his best season record of 62 homers. I honestly hope he gets it. He already has joined other Yankee immortals like Ruth and Gehrig and Mantle and Maris and Mattingly and Jeter with his accomplishments.

I think he deserves one more.

The Continuing Failures by the Secret Service

It was reported today in the New York Post, CNN, Fox News and just about every other outlet that Acting Secret Service head Ronald Rowe Jr. said Monday that agents didn’t mount an intense search of the perimeter because the 45th president’s round wasn’t on his official calendar.
That is the excuse he wants to run with? It wasn’t on his official calendar?

This is the man who assumed leadership of the Secret Service, the agency responsible to protect Presidents and ex-Presidents alike, right after his predecessor, Kim Cheadle, resigned due to the agency’s failure to protect President Trump, causing the first attempted assassination. And now, this is his fall-back? It wasn’t on his official calendar!

Even a former Obama official finds that astonishing. Former Obama administration official and CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem fretted the second assassination attempt on former President Trump on Sunday will be used for political purposes in the election.

The problem is this is a safety issue that is being thrown into a very intense political environment in which the very fact of an assassination, a constitutional moment because it could have impacted voters, will be used for political purposes," Kayyem said, reacting to the failed assassination attempt against Trump in Florida. "That to me is exceptionally unfortunate.”

Yes, it is. It is extremely unfortunate. She continues, “Whatever your beliefs are, we do deserve to have campaigns where violence is not being used as either a sword or a shield," Kayyem said, predicting that the assassination attempt will again be used as a political talking point in coming weeks.

Can any reasonable person argue with anything she says? I can’t. Nor should you, either. It makes total sense.

But for Acting Director Rowe, he will once again put his head into the sand and hopefully, it will just go away. Like he hoped after the first attempt.

Dan Bongino, a former protective agent in the Clinton, Bush and Obama presidencies, was asked his opinion after the first attempt during a Congressional hearing. I have provided the video for your review. And he is right.

When Trump becomes President, his very first order of business is to FIRE the ENTIRE Secret Service leadership and appoint Mr Bongino as Director.

The Kamster Gets Bit By Her Own Snake Bite

A video resurfaced from 2018 on Monday and was shown all around the internet, the New York Post reported. Then, Senator Kacklin’ Kammy and Ellen DeGenerate were joking about assassinating President Trump, Vice President Pence, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or some other Cabinet Member.
If you had to be stuck on an elevator with either President Trump, [Vice President] Mike Pence or [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, who would it be?” TV host Ellen DeGeneres asked Harris in an April, 2018 interview.

Harris deadpanned back, “Does one of us have to come out alive?” before breaking into her stupid, idiotic cackle.

Of course, the idiots in the audience whooped and cheered with that snide remark. Of course they would. DeGenerate’s producers packed the audience with Socialist anti-Americans.

It seems to be the norm: from Rosie and the View, and all the midday afternoon news/entertainment tripes; have a controversial host and schedule raucous guests to say something outlandish for ratings boosts.

But it has come back to bite the Kamster because she is part of the hate speech and assassinations surrounding her opponent. She was right there egging it all on with her venom.

She was the Junior Senator from California at the time and the most recent Attorney General for that state, not some Comedy Central stand up comedian. Some people, like Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh were sick enough to take her comments as “marching orders”.

Perhaps, she and Biden and the rest of the Democrats need to tone down their hateful rhetoric. NOW, before something really tragically happens.

Saying “sorry” after the fact won’t fix the disaster their vitriol is spewing.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Is Tough Justice Coming?

It is being reported by Fox News and other sources that Manhattan DA Aivin Bragg is being sued for records of any communication related to the prosecution of former President Trump between prosecutors and the Biden-Harris campaign, the Democratic National Convention and other groups by America First Legal (AFL).

In addition, Judge Merchan, the judge who presuded over the case, may be a party to show cause why he should not be removed rom the case due ro a conflict of interest. AFL is also looking to see if records exist between Bragg’s office and Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, who runs a Democrat-affiliated political consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns which advises both the Biden and Harris Campaigns.

Under New York law, judges are required to file annual financial disclosures, which are required to be made available upon request. Non-compliance could be extremely painful should Judge Merchan decide to stonewall, including removal from the bench.

The Judge knows he is caught in the legal net of corruption and he moved the sentencing date to November 26 of Bragg’s win of a corrupted guilty verdict in Bragg’s case against Donald Trump.

Just waiting for the disbarment of TWO corrupt attorneys and potentially a reserved room in Attica for each of them. Now THAT would be Tough Justice.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we first try to deceive.

The Crashing and Burning of ABC News

The dam is starting to crack. Can you see the water leaking through the ABC News wall trying to hold back the stories which will engulf Disney's reputation and stock price? The stories which will reveal that Dana Walden, Kacklin’ Kammy's best friend, ordered Linsey Davis and David Muir to fact-check Donald Trump but not the Kamster?
It is being reported by The Federalist Papers and other sources that ABC News moderator Linsey Davis recently admitted that during the latest presidential debate, she and her co-moderator, David Muir, had deliberately chosen to fact-check only former President Donald Trump while avoiding any similar scrutiny of Vice President Kamala Harris.

In addition, there is an affidavit sworn to by a whistleblower from ABC News on September 9, which claims that Kammy was given sample questions ahead of the debate AND the aforementioned Ms. Walden, Kammy's matchmaker who introdeced her to the Dougster, ordered the moderators to conduct the debate antagonistically against Trump.

Oh yes, a Master Class on how 0to rig a debate AND an election.

Anyone with a brain who watched the debate knows Trump was spot on in his answers, even with the three against one tag team employed by ABC News’ two moderators. And of course, Kammy was not treated with the same hostility. Donald Trump won the debate on substance, while the Kamster was allowed to tell her lies, without even one fact-check.

People are realizing the falsity that ABC News tried to perpetrate against the American electorate. But as we move closer to November 5, much like we are seeing the failures of Tampon Tim, so too more of Kacklin’ Kammy’s iineptitude and unqualified shortcomings to hold office will be revealed.

Freedom of the Press does not give anyone a license to lie or spin to suit an agenda. If Bob Eisner cares about his company, he needs to FIRE Muir, Walden and Davis before the crashing dam destroys and craters Disney’s  stock price and reputation completely.

The first rule of Journalism 101: REPORT the news, not BE the news, something all media employees need to relearn.