Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Miracle Caused By Dropping Out

“Do you believe in miracles?”
That line was cried by Al Michaels in 1980 at the end of the semi-final Olympic hockey game between the USSR and Team USA. Ultimately, Team USA won the Gold Medal.

Why do I bring this up? A MIRACLE was reported by Fox News and others that the DOJ discovered the missing written transcripts reported by Special Counsel Robert Hur between Joe Biden and his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.

Oversight Project counsel Kyle Brosnan said on Wednesday this particular revelation is both new and further animates the need for transparency in regard to questions about Biden’s competency.

“There do exist written transcripts of President Biden’s interviews with his ghostwriter where they discuss classified material, and that Special Counsel Hur relied upon those written transcripts in coming to his conclusions [that Biden was a ‘well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory’].

The memoir Zwonitzer assisted with, "Promise Me, Dad," was released in 2017.

Amazingly, it appears that once Biden dropped out of the race, all pretense of keeping his capacity hidden no longer was necessary.

Essentially, those who were required to keep silent for three and a half years, decided it was time to play CYOA so that they would not longer be in a position where they would be accused of dissembing or equivocating.

The House Judiciary Committee may begin hearings to determine what certain people knew and when did they know it. When it starts, the “Big Tell” will start.

Get your popcorn and sit back to watch the pointing of fingers begin. It WILL be sheer entertainment.

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