Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Master Class On How to Respect Someone's Opinion

Over the years, looking at my political stances objectively, I have moved more toward the center of the political spectrum. I still believe I would be Center-Right, but I also consider myself a Libertarian. With less government interference.
What exactly does that mean? Well, for starters, I am a strong believer in the Constitution. As written. It is not a fluid document. Each word, each phrase was argued over by the Founders.

That’s why they put a mechanism in the middle called Article V. It is there so that the Sacred Document can be changed to fit the changes in society. It is a hard-wired piece of thought, not to be interpreted what was meant when it was written.

My Op-Ed. My opinion.
 But I will tell you that my opinion of Bill Maher has also changed. He considers himself a liberal Democrat. I agree. But he has also moved from his positions of twenty years ago. Today, he is a Center-Left individual.

And he says the Democrats have moved too far to the left. Even for him.

On many issues, we are not that far apart. Not really. With just a a word or two, we see many things eye to eye. I have sense of humor and so does he.

But here is one thing we both take seriously. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. I am not required to be forced to accept his as mine, nor is he required to be forced mine as his.

He is also right about one thing for sure that he said Friday night. You don’t go after the wife of someone you with whom you disagree. He was critical of those who attacked Cheryl Hines because RFK Jr endorsed Donald Trump.

He even said, “Going after the wife? Even the mafia doesn’t do that.”
After Kennedy suspended his campaign, Ms Hines released a statement which read, in part, “The decision has been made to suspend my husband’s, Robert Kennedy Jr.’s, presidency and I’d like to extend a sincere, deeply heartfelt thank you to every person who has worked so tirelessly and lovingly on his campaign.”

Pretty conciliatory, if you ask me. And Bill Maher, too. She may not agree with Bobby, but she isn’t airing her laundry for anyone’s approval. She is, instead, standing by the man she loves, and damn anyone who tries to interfere.

Even if she doesn’t agree with him, she isn’t looking for anyone’s approval or support, either. Stay the hell out of their marriage.

And on this, every reasonable person can agree.

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