Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Trump Cabinet Choices - Part Four

This is my final foray into my choices for Donald Trump to select for his Second Cabinet.

Last week, I added additional choices, along with my previous commentaries naming other picks I would make. This commentary was called, Trump Cabinet Choices - Part Three.

Now, I will list my final choices and my reasons. I will also give you two additional key non-cabinet people. These two people will be critical in his day-to-day activities. And survival.

Nikki Haley - Department of State: Ambassador Haley was a difficult choice because she decided to run against him this primary season. But then, prior to the Republican Convention, she was adamant in her reasons to endorse President Trump. She served in his first administration as UN Ambassador, making certain America’s position was understood on many key issues. She was tough on our adversaries and allies alike. There was no doubt she was highly respected by other diplomats. She is a former Governor and knows how to manage people.

Jamie Dimon – Department of the Treasury: Mr Dimon has been a life-long retail banker, current Chairman and CEO of JPMorganChase since 2006. He led the bank through the 2008 to 2010 financial crisis successfully. Unlike the last several SecTreas, he is neither a bureaucrat nor a political hack. He has a keen understanding of retail banking, which is what is needed at this time.

Michael Pompeo – Department of Defense: Secretary Pompeo was an excellent leader in his previous post as SecState. He was able to get a firm Trump Administrarion agenda across to both allies and adversaries alike. He is a graduate of West Point and served as a Captain from 1986 to1991 in the US Army. He is well-qualified to lead this important Department.

Dan Bongino – Secret Service Director: Mr Bongino has an extensive background both as a NYPD officer for four years before he joined the United States Secret Service in 1999 as a special agent. In 2002 he left the New York Field Office to become an instructor at the Secret Service Training Academy in Beltsville, Maryland. In 2006, he was assigned to the Presidential Protection Division, where he served both Presidents Bush and Obama. After the attempted assassination of President Trump in July, he was very critical of the two most recent directors’ actions and responses in a Congressional hearing.

Jeanine Pirro – Press Secretary: Judge Jeanine, as she is popularly known, is a tough, no-nonsense television personality on the Fox News Network. Ms Pirro was elected as a judge of the Westchester County (N.Y.) Court in 1990. In 1993, she was elected to the position of Westchester County district attorney, serving in that position until 2006. She is not afraid to talk directly and firmly to those who try and spin stories she believes are untrue. She is known to tell it like she sees it.

One more point I would add to this: I believe President Trump made a great move by naming Robert F Kennedy Jr and Tulsi Gabbard to be key members of his transition team. It could be far-reaching to help undecided voters see him as a positive leader to help us through the next years in Our Future, bridging the gap to unify us as Americans, not as divisive Democrats or Republicans.

These people, along with all the others I have discussed, will serve President Trump to their best abilities, bringing their knowledge and experience to help him Make America Great Again.

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