Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Angry Jewish Voter

Anti-Semitism has been a smoldering in the underbelly of American life for years, as much as, other forms of racism. It was evident mostly in places like Brownsville and Crown Heights in Brooklyn, the Lower East Side and Washington Heights in Manhattan, Kew Gardens in Queens and Riverdale in The Bronx.
Jewish voters have predominately voted Democrat since the end of World War II, as they felt the Democrats were more considerate, respectful and liberal. It was a response to FDR and Truman for standing up to Hitler, and later, for fighting to create the State of Israel. The Democrat Party could rely largely on the “Jewish vote”.

The Jewish population in the United States is estimated to be around 7.5MM people, which is about 2.4% of the total US population. That includes 5.8MM adults, those over eighteen.

Since 2020, it is evident anti-Semitism has been on the rise, especially on college and University campuses. Several college presidents were brought before Congress to answer for this.

But after October 7, when Hamas terrorists took Israeli, American and other hostages, pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas demonstrations exploded onto American streets in cities all through our country. It was clear at the Democrat Convention who the Democrat leadership and Party supported.

It was reported in yesterday’s New York Post that Jewish voters are fearful, yet determined to vote in the coming presidential election and their support for the Democratic Party is eeroding. A survey was taken in key areas of New York and Pennsylvania, and it shows Jewish voters are highly politically engaged and ready to cast what could be decisive ballots on Election Day.

This could be the election where Jewish voters finally take their stand against anti-Semitism in America. It will be a teachable moment for Democrats that its relied-upon bloc is "mad as hell and won’t take it anymore".

Perhaps, finally, anti-Semitism will be put down and be buried along with other racist attitudes in the United States. We can only pray it comes to pass.

Then, there will be liberty and justice for all.

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