Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Evident Lack of Character

Sometimes, people cannot get out of their own way. When they have already caused themselves harm, it seems it becomes irreparable.
David Banks, soon-to-be former NYC Schools Chancellor, has been cited with twenty seven moving violations, including eighteen speeding tickets in school zones around the City. In his city-owned SUV.

The New York Post is reporting that in some cases, these were camera violations. No matter. He is responsible for the vehicle.

You would think that he would try to remain below the radar, so to speak, because he is not only a high profile individual, but already under investigation.

His home he shares with City First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright was raided by Federal agents where electronic devices and equipment were seized. And so, this embarrassment only adds to his already tarnished reputation.

All this additional adversity only highlights the lack of judgement on the part of Mayor Adams, deserved or not. It isn’t good optics.

Perhaps, Chancellor Banks should get out of Dodge now, before he ends up being accused of something so bad, he ends up losing his pension. That would be hus best course of action.

Apparently, this only reflects the hubris too many current City officials seem to have. They all appear to be above the law.

Their motto? The rules are made for thee but not for me. It shows true lack of character.

This is quite evident to everyone.

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