Friday, September 13, 2024

Why I Write My Commentaries

I have been asked why I mostly refer to the New York Post with links in my commentary. It is for a very simple reason. It's free.
I may find an interesting story on the app, Newsbreak, which has articles from other sources. Then, if I am able to find that article or the story on the website shown in Newsbreak, and I don’t need to subscribe, I will use and quote that site and link.

But if I can’t, I will see if it is on the Post. If it is, I will use the Post and reference other sources, and name them, if permitted.

Since I am not getting paid, I don’t want to pay for copyright infringement. But I make it a point to mention the source where I found the article.

I also link the article, if possible, so that you can read it and make your own judgement. It is the right thing to do for a whole host of reasons.

As many of you know, I was a Banker for many years in my career. But I was a Political Science l/History major and minored in Journalism. So, I began my blogsite, as therapy, while I was recovering from colon cancer.

Then, my brother and I established a social media consulting business. I learned much during that time, from our clients, my brother, and as I did my own research.

And when I was in Banking, I was once asked why I knew so much about many subjects. My response was, “I read.”

In closing, I love to share my views and I hope you enjoy them. And it’s still therapy.

And by the way, you can always share my commentaries with friends and family.

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