Tuesday, September 10, 2024

How Our Posterity Will Remember Us

With fifty-six days until the most important election in my lifetime, I began to think about what the outcome might bring to my family and to our country.

If Trump wins, which I will continue to strive for, we have another four years to fix and then, move on from, the recent disaster which has polarized us into the current divide we now find ourselves, treading and dreading.

 But if he loses, this just may the very last election we can safely vote our beliefs without fear of being sent off to an American gulag for voicing our dissent 

In twenty-five years, most baby-boomers will be long gone and in fifty years, Gen-Xers will be joining them. 
In one hundred years, everyone  alive right now, will just be a memory. My great-grandchildren will be approaching their own later middle age, staring at their own mortality and know me only as some ancestor who had a lot to say about many things.

Someone else will live in my house, own my business and hopefully, will be saluting the same flag I have all my life.

 Perhaps, cancer will be cured, and so many other illnesses will be on the way to be eliminated.

In that year of 2124, mankind could either have a colony on the moon or even on Mars, or we could be  reduced by our own hubris to live in caves as hunters and gatherers, as our ancestors did many thousands of years ago, because in our anger, we shot off nuclear weapons. As Rodney King  once said, “Can’t we just get along?”, and couldn’t.

Our destiny is in our hands, now. Today. And it it is up to each of us to make sure the America which exists today, with the freedoms and liberties we have always enjoyed, has a chance to be here  in one hundred years.

If we don’t, our posterity will have every right to blame US. You and me, for failing to give them those same gifts we took for granted, and had held in our hands. And lost.

How do you want to be remembered?

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