Thursday, September 5, 2024

Why Is Hunter Willing to Admit Guilt

Hunter Biden wants to change his plea from not guilty to guilty in his $1.4MM tax evasion case. He wants the plea to be an "Alford" plea. It is being reviewed by the judge, Mark Scarsi, a Trump appointee. Prosecutors were stunned by this change of events.

An Alford plea is when a defendant acknowledges that a prosecutor's evidence would likely be enough to convict, so they accept a sentence but maintain their innocence.

Defense attorney, Abbe Lowell, believes the judge should be able to rule by this afternoon.  We shall see.

Why the sudden change after professing his innocence for years? Could it be that he does not believe his father will pardon him? Or is it because he knows Old Joe already has written the pardon and wants to get it over and done with before he is sentenced in November on the gun conviction. 

We know Hunter Biden is a schemer, so this is a perfect excuse for him to resolve the case before any questions may arise which may implicate the President in  something nefarious. In this way, Old Joe's reputation remains secure and any culpability remains hidden.

When it comes to Hunter, the antennae go up because this guy’s motives are always suspect. He is, after all, a schemer not to be believed or trusted.

We may not get an answer from Judge Scarsi today, either. The Prosecutor may have to get a judgement from the Biden Department of (IN) Justice how best not to make Old Joe look bad in all this.

Oh, such a tangled web the Bidens weave in order that they might deceive.

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