Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Madman Fears NO Retribution

It was reported in last night’s online New York Post that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un ordered the executions of thirty party people for their failures during the flooding and landslides in July. Over 4,000 innocent civilians died as a result of their “inaction.”
I suppose this madman expected them to hold back the rain. Or the sliding earth.

It seems he wants to surpass Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin as “Worst Person to Rule His Country”. He certainly is pushing himself high up on that list.

He already denies his subjects basic necessities which we take for granted, like food, electricity, heat and other comforts which is expected in the civilized world. But, instead, North Korea has a functional nuclear arsenal, which is a threat to his neighbors, Japan and South Korea. And even to the Peoples Republic.

If the US did not still have troops in South Korea, who knows what additional cruelty would pass as normalcy? He fears no one as he believes no one wants to fight a war with him.

And unlike the BULLYING the Harris-Biden administration applies to Israel for defending itself against Iran-sponsored terrorism by Hamas, Houthis and Hezzbollah, nary a peep of criticism is spoken to the North Korean dictator. Are Biden and Harris that afraid? Or, do they condone this behavior? Their silence is deafening.

When Donald Trump was President, this madman was more cautious, and while he did not fear the US then, he did respect the possibility that President Trump could take action to put Kim down. But he does not respect Biden or Harris. Or their puppetmaster, Obama.

If we do nothing and elect the Kacklin’ Kamster, we can expect more of the same. Or worse.

Only an ignorant person will vote for more of this senseless behavior. And the Madman will grow more emboldened and stronger.

Do you want to bet your life, or your vote, on it?

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