Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Trump - Harris Smackdown

Tonight is the first, and probably only, debate between Kacklin’ Kammy and the once and future President Trump. I am sure, as with the debate in June with Joe Biden, President Trump will show what an incompetent buffoon she really is.
Other than that night of softball questions and maybe some hot cocoa with marshmallows served up by Dana (un)Bash-a-Democrat, the Kamster has not answered any real questions or conducted a press conference in fifty-one days. She may be trying to run out the string like Biden did in 2020, but in restrospect, he was an old man who had onset dementia.

Is that the game she really wants to play? Make herself the victim? Does she want to play for a pity party?

If she does, then she is not the right candidate to be President.

Trump has proven he will stand up to any adversary and make them back down. Putin, Iran, North Korea, China, allies like the Europen Union, and even neighbors like Canada and Mexico to make sure he put America first.

She can’t even stand up to the Lame Stream Media without cackling like a hen or worse, a fool when she doesn’t know how to respond. Her acolytes say she is showing her joy. Maybe they mean she is really showing that she just finished toking on a joint.

Trump needs to be measured so that he doesn’t come across as a bully. But then, he has to make sure she is called out for the total ineptitude of the Harris-Biden Administration, which she claimed she was a major part of all the decisions which were made.

You know what they are; I don’t need to belabor all of them. Like Afghanistan, Inflation, the Border Crisis, the War in Ukraine, the Hamas hostage slaughter, forcing social media platforms to censor free speech, the rise in anti-Semitism at home and abroad, and all the rest.

He has to hold her accountable so that ALL REASONABLE Americans see she how dangerous and incompetent she really is. Then, she will try to make herself a victim in the media. But it won’t work. Do we want this failure to continue for another four years?

 I certainly do not.

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