Sunday, September 22, 2024

The City That Never Sleeps, Can't

This latest episode, reported by the New York Post, in New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ tenure is proving that he has no concept how to vet potential appointees to key posts to govern the City. And he is planning to run for re-election?
He recently lost his Police Commissioner, Edward Caban, on Sept. 12 after Caban, an NYPD vet of thirty years, abruptly resigned amid a federal investigation.

 Electronic devices were seized by federal agents at Caban’s and other city officials’ homes as part of what sources described as a sweeping corruption probe involving potential influence peddling.

Now, this latest nightmare for Mayor Adams occurred late Friday when NYPD Interim Commissioner Thomas Donlon’s home was raided by Federal authorities. Donlon said, authorities “took materials that came into my possession 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department.”

Apparently, Donlon was already being investigated by the Feds when Adams tapped him to succeed Caban. And no one knew this BEFORE he was appointed?

And other officials in his administration are being investigated for their potential “indiscretions” prior to, and since, their appointments in key City positions.

He is finished, for sure. There is no way the Mayor can survive this latest exposure to his poor judgement of character. The sharks smell blood and are circling City Hall.

But these are small fry, loons actually, who think they can do better. But they are all stupid. So, most intelligent people will stay clear of these nightmares.

But the big fish, the Shark looming off in the distance, smells his opportunity to make what some would say his triumphant political comeback. And like in Jaws, he lurks waiting for his time to strike.

Everyone knows, like the Amity Harbor Mayor and the Police Chief did, that he is out there. But like that great white, former Governor Andrew Cuomo is patient and shrewd. He is biding his time for the harbor to clear.

The next Mayoral election cycle will begin on November 6, the day after the Presidential election. And by Thanksgiving, the path will be clear.

And on January 1, 2026, we just might be watching the former governor be sworn in as the next Mayor of New York.

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