Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Crooks Are Inheriting the Earth -- and New York City

What do Carmen Farina, Meisha Porter and Richard Carranza have in common? They were all New York City School Chancellors under former NYC Mayor Bill “Lost $1 Billion” DeBlasio, a/k/a DeDumbo.
Why does it matter? Well, apparently, he mysteriously “lost” the funds when his former wife, Chirlane "The Crooked One" McCray was asked to provide an accounting of the $850MM which went missing from ThriveNYC, the mental health program she championed while he was Mayor. And she, and he, have yet to answer for it.

Now, it was revealed in the New York Post that six Department of Education employees used “forged permission slips” to take their own kids and grandchildren to Disney World and on other city-funded trips meant for homeless students, investigators alleged. And, amazingly, it was all during DeBlasio’ tenure.

What was good for the gander, allegedly, was good for the geese who worked for him. And the chancellors had no clue.

Linda M. Wilson, a Queens supervisor of DOE’s “Students in Temporary Housing,” took her own two daughters on trips, and encouraged colleagues to take their sons, daughters and grandkids, but tried to cover up the shady practice when SCI started asking questions, the SCI report said.

What happens here stays with us,” Wilson allegedly told co-workers.

After completing its probe in January 2023, the SCI recommended to Mayor Adams’ Chancellor David Banks to terminate all six employees and require them to pay restitution, with the amounts to be determined by the DOE.

To date, no criminal prosecutions have been initiated. But then, neither have any begun against Mayor DeDumbo or Crooked McCray, either.

 Decent people are continuing to leave obviously corrupt New York. Can you wonder why?

And the Crooks keep on stealin'!

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