Monday, July 29, 2013

Christmas Shopping

The timing couldn't be more perfect. This weekend and last, several shopping channels held their "Christmas in July" sales. Of course, there was a plethora of holiday items: trees, wreaths, ornaments, lights. There were also food items geared toward the holidays like hams, candy, dipped apples and snacks. And of course, toys, from ages 2 to 92.

But the usual items were also on sale. Ladies fashions and mens gadgets were being sold, albeit with holiday trimmings on all the sets.

And why is this? Well, holiday sales from Thanksgiving to Christmas account for 70% or more of all retail sales made in this country, so much so, that the day after Thanksgiving has been named Black Friday, and not because of any disaster, although if you have ever traveled near a mall on this day, you would think there was, with all the traffic in and around the place.

No. It's called Black Friday because this is the day every major retailer in America finally sees their books go from red to black. And their entire profit is made in the last 30 days of the year.

So why the hoopla in the middle of the summer? Why not? Every day, the shopping channels hawk their wares, 24 hours every day, with special shows every weekend geared toward items of interest for the whole family. Food items, electronics, outdoor accessories, and jewelry, all aimed at getting our dollars into their coffers. And the extended return policies and ez pays at zero interest are added enticements retailers don't give you.

Cashing in on Christmas, well, that's a no-brainer. After all, the business of America is business. And Christmas sells, probably even more than sex. Because Christmas speaks to the wholesomeness of the entire family, and people get warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

There is also the convenience factor. By shopping on TV, like the Internet, there is a sense that you can call up and place your order, have it delivered in a few days and feel that your mission was accomplished. And unlike the Internet, there is the added benefit of having the host of the segment tell you all about the item of interest. Over and over. 3 ways from Sunday.

If you missed the holiday special, well have no fear. It will return again next month at the same time and every month after, to help you resolve that age-old question, "what should I get Suzie or Pete for Christmas." The products will be there and you will buy. But at the end, you will panic and feel that maybe what you bought wasn't quite right or you did not get enough.

And you know what? See you at the mall!

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