Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Real Circus

So many people have already commented on the Weiner debacle and I am sure I will sound like noise rather than a cogent voice in the debate. In addition, the former governor AND attorney general, Elliot Spitzer, is looking for his political redemption, as well.

I wrote back on May 22 in Rehabilitation, Forgiveness, and Redemption, that Anthony Weiner was entitled to his opportunity for redemption and forgiveness because we would hope we would be given the same opportunity if we screwed up. But apparently, Mr Weiner did not rehabilitate himself and has once again, dragged his wife into his dirty, muddy soup.

Ms Abedin has assured us that she has forgiven him and that we should, too. Sound familiar? Of course it does. But at least she didn't say it was a Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy. Huma has shown that, instead, it was her husband's own doing and not the fault of talk radio or Fox News.

Nevertheless, it has become apparent to most of us that Anthony Weiner should withdraw from the race and work on fixing his marriage rather than thinking that he is healed and is ready to tackle the problems of New York City. If he thinks otherwise, he is displaying the arrogance that made him one of the least liked Members of Congress.

And if he stays in the race, the voters of New York should reject and humiliate him so badly, he will never again see the political light of day.

With regard to Mr Spitzer, I never liked him and, like Weiner, found him to be arrogant and quite honestly, selective in who he prosecuted as Attorney General. In addition, remember that as the top law enforcement officer, he was breaking the law by soliciting call girls, while prosecuting street prostitutes and the "johns" who used and abused them.

As governor, he continued this practice, using state resources like the state police, vehicles, etc, to pursue his illegal activity. And like Anthony Weiner, he dragged his wife to the podium and embarrassed her while he asked for our forgiveness.

He left politics right after his resignation and secured a TV show on CNN, in prime cable TV time, as if nothing happened. The viewers rejected him and was cancelled well before his contract was up.

Ironically, he is running against his former Madame. The voters of the City should reject both these fools and vote for somebody, anybody else for Comptroller.

And now you know why New York City is known as Fun City. Because clowns want to run the show.

1 comment:

  1. Politics IS a circus, not just in's EVERYWHERE. So are sexual references. I asked my brother, a former lobbyist, if they were basically "Pimps". After 30 seconds of silence..he said YES. Each time a Politician opens his door to a PIMP..I think you can fill in the blanks.
