Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Another Florida Debacle

I have been following the Zimmerman case in Florida with some, but not devoted interest. There appears to be a problem here. Both the prosecution witnesses and the defense team are arguing for the same result: Zimmerman is not guilty by reason of self defense.

This is not the way a prosecution is supposed to work. It is now obvious to even this disinterested viewer that this case should never have gone to trial. It is, at best, a weak case for the State to have moved forward. It was brought forward, though, to appease those individuals who sought additional fame in the spotlight, the alleged Reverends and absolute race-baiters, Jesse "James" Jackson and "Sharp James" Al Sharpton.

Yes. It was a tragedy that Trayvon Martin was killed senselessly. But had he not harassed and beaten George Zimmerman, he would be alive today. Wrong place doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

I feel sorry for Martin's parents in this. After all, they lost a son. And no money in the world that was awarded them will ever, EVER, replace that loss. That, no matter what you may think of them, is the real tragedy here. Their son is dead. As a parent of two, I would be devastated if one or both of my children, or their spouses died. It's an irreplaceable hole in your heart.

So, like the Casey Anthony case, the Florida Attorney General and the local DAs have once again demonstrated that it is inept in determining what high-profile cases should be brought. While the public outcry immediately after the initial event may have forced a response, time-sobering analysis of the evidence should have given pause to follow through with any prosecution. Any reasonable person can now see that this is an exercise in futility for the State to continue its embarrassment.

The judge should call a conference with the two sides and gently, but firmly explain to the Prosecutor that there isn't enough evidence to prove that Zimmerman killed Martin out of malice or forethought, thank the jury for its patience and dismiss all charges. And offer an admonition to the AG NEVER to allow public opinion or celebrity-seekers to bully the State to do something it knew not to do based on the lack of evidence.

Then, sadly, all parties concerned can try to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and try move on.

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