Thursday, July 18, 2013

Like a Rolling Stone

All day on Wednesday, we heard nothing but ROLLING STONE's cover of the younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzokhar, peering out to all of us with his piercing eyes. Like that should have been frightening to us.

First of all, I didn't know ROLLING STONE was still being published. I thought it became irrelevant about 1979 and finally died a lonesome death around 1984. How did I miss the news that 10 people still bought the rag mag.

Then I remembered hearing something about two years or so ago, that General Stanley McCrystal did an interview where he allegedly criticized President Obama and it was published in that magazine. Wow! And then he was relieved of his command in Afghanistan. Lucky him!

But, quite honestly, he deserved to be fired, because no active military should be criticizing their Commander-in-Chief, no matter who he or she is. The President, after all, constitutionally is the highest ranking officer in the military, and decorum dictates he be treated as such. If you feel it necessary to criticize or disagree with your commander, then resign first, and you regain your freedom of speech.

Anyway, back to Tsarnaev. We hadn't heard any real news about the Boston bombing since late April. What has transpired that made this kook newsworthy again? Is he going to trial? No. Is he copping a plea? No. Did he ask to go back to Mother Russia? No, again.

No, the reason he graced the cover was so that the editors and publisher could find relevance in their work. And this, America, is what they chose: a foreign-born American citizen who tried to kill other Americans on Patriot Day, of all days, in Boston, which was three months ago, this week.

Let's show the people at ROLLING STONE what we think about their choice of cover story. Just don't buy it. And, if you subscribe, cancel your subscription today.

Maybe next time they are desperate to sell their magazine, they will think twice and put the victims of that American tragedy on the cover, instead.

1 comment:

  1. Most of the media today makes me utterly sick, I really worry about the sanity of the children being subjected to this propaganda and demagoguery of today.
