Monday, July 8, 2013

Suspicious Minds

I found on Wednesday, right before Independence Day, that the following links discuss a program that the United States has entered into with Russia concerning a FEMA/RESM (Russian Emergency Service Ministry) activity via a coordinated disaster recovery joint task force. This agreement was signed on June 25, 2013.

I have provided the links below: 

Please note that there are other sources which review this program. However, other than a quick mention on FoxNews and stories on the Internet, there was no other story or blurb in the mainstream media.

The country is divided into sectors where Russian troops essentially provide security in the event of a disaster, which requires possible military "assistance" to FEMA and/or the US military. Presently, there are 50,000 permanent Russian troops dispersed throughout the US, and a total of 100,000 soldiers are training here.

At first blush, it appears innocuous and mundane that our government would find it necessary to employ and enlist foreign troops to assist our military or civilian defense forces in protecting Americans in the event of a disaster so tragic that the military would be that undermanned or overwhelmed. After all, ours is the pre-eminent military in the world that many countries, including Russia, have relied on for over 100 years to wage war and end war.

So why this "agreement"? Could there be a darker, more sinister side to have Russian troops present on US soil, without the consent of the Congress? I would hope not, but many unusual events have transpired or come to light over the last several months, that ordinary Americans would not believe could or would happen here. So the suspicion flag is flying a little higher than normal.

I am not, as many of you know, a believer or chaser of conspiracy theories generally, although I, too, have beliefs which make sense to me, for  example, the Kennedy assassination. But not many others.

I find this, however, somewhat unseemly that we would need to agree to this. I have not found any article that discusses American troops deployed to Russia, which if they were, then I could at least accept that this action were part  of some greater exercise in military cooperation with an adversary.

As it stands now, this seems to be a unilateral deployment of troops by Russia to our shores, which is not permitted our Constitution. This certainly is a gross misinterpretation of the phrase "provide for the common defense". I think it is incumbent upon us  as concerned citizens to ask our Representatives and Senators for an explanation of such questionable activity. We are entitled to know what our government is doing in our name. It is our right to know.

The last time citizens of a country took the position that they didn't know what their government was doing in their name was in 1945, and that was a tragedy against humanity, as well as, against both a race and a religion. Ignorance did not excuse the Germans and it will not excuse us either.

So, get those pens and keyboards warmed up. We need to get on our Congress to answer the questions the media are unable or unwilling to ask. Brave men and women who challenge their government are revered as heroes  all throughout history. We all would like to be thought as a hero. And in this country, at least for now, there is no recrimination for standing up for what is right.

After all, it is our responsibility to ourselves and to our posterity.

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