Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Moms Day Out

So, Tuesday (yesterday), my wife and I, along with my daughter-in-law, son and her parents, went to the Ob-Gyn much like a normal 21st century family outing. It seemed pretty normal to us, so why should anyone think it strange, right?

Anyway, we went because, as prospective grandparents, we wanted to share in the news that only grandparents can appreciate: the family lives on! Now, we have known since just before Mother's Day they were having a child. And after Father's Day, we were finally allowed to tell our friends, families, brothers and sisters. But today, it was extra-special.

The appointment was for 11:30 and the Mrs and I were finally (!!) on time for something. Trust me, if it were up to me, lateness would never even be in the dictionary. But, today, something important was happening. We were actually waiting for the proud parents-to-be and her parents to make their arrival.

At precisely 11:29, they all showed up and we were all escorted to the sonogram room to learn what the legacy would be. It was a parade through the waiting room, with her Mom in a wheelchair pushed by her Dad, and the procession following in lockstep behind. It must have been funny to see, because I thought it was funny to be in it.

Finally, Mom laid on the table, with the sonogram machine all set to go and a wide screen monitor mounted above for all to see. Of course, the cellphones were clicking at the screen with no idea what we were shooting. Click. Click. Click. Phones pointed to the screen, all to capture the big moment.

But then, the tech turned and told us that we would not find out, not right then and there. The baby (YES. THE BABY) was breached and was not in the right position. The look and sound of disappointment was unmistakable in the room. The tech realized the importance of this day and suggested we go have a bite to eat and come back after 2pm. Unfortunately, the Father-to-be had to return to work. We said we would figure out how to get him in on the pm test.

It seemed reasonable and hopeful, so we went to a nice italian restaurant in the shopping center across the way. We kept the mood light and even, laughing at the silliest things, to keep her relaxed, so that perhaps the baby would move into position.

After lunch, we walked back across the lot and were escorted right in. Momma called Daddy to make sure he could hear what was going on (we tried FaceTime, but we couldn't connect) and as soon as the tech put the probe down, BOOM!! There it was! No doubt about it! Right there for all to see! At 18 weeks and 5 days!

But wait! It was not what I expected or planned for. Instead, a little dinkle. Yes, a boy! Funny thing, both my wife and I wore blue, not realizing that we did until later, as if to welcome the newest Master McHale to the family. And there you have it. Either way, the legacy lives on.

So it goes. And so it will.

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