or the last couple of weeks, Hamas and Israel have been trading rockets across the Gaza border. It started as it usually does, with Hamas instigating the hostilities.
It was reported late Wednesday by Fox News and other news entities that Israel an Hamas agreed to a temporary ceasefire for UN "humanitarian" issues. The UN wants to be able to deliver water, food and medical supplies into the strip.
If anyone truly looks at this with a discerning eye, why do you think at this time, Hamas instigated these attacks in the first place? That's right, friends. That pesky Iran.
Hamas, as well as Hezzbollah and Syria, are client states of Iran. Oh, and so is Iraq. Hamas doesn't do anything without Iran's tacit approval.
So, why now?
The attack on Israel is a distraction, friends. Iran needs this distraction because the world is watching the negotiations in Vienna and is not paying too much attention to the reason the Vienna negotiations are happening in the first place.
By having the Israeli-Hamas distraction, Iran can continue with its nuclear weapons program unabated. And since the theocracy had the sanctions lifted on January, it is able to trade with other countries who care more about money in its coffers than the potential for a disaster in the making.

On June 14, I wrote a commentary called The Iraqi-Afghani-Iranian Empire Connection where I discuss the emergence of a modern Persian Empire with a theocratic bent. This subversion Hamas is exercising against Israel is part of the Iranian plan for regional domination.
By the time the world wakes up to the result of the Iranian plan, the dynamic in that region of a theocratic Persian Empire will be overwhelming. Oh, and don't think Iran isn't playing both sides against the middle in Iraq either. The nonsense that Iran supports the al-Maliki government because of the Shiite-Sunni split is a myth. Iran is probably backing The Islamic State in the Civil War in Iraq so that at the eleventh hour, Iran can ride in and save the day, and put Iraq in its orbit.
Israel is but a pawn in the scheme of Iran's Grand Plan. It reacts as it does because it must protect its citizens and by doing nothing the Netanyahu government would be gone in a week. What would be in its place? Chaos, I am sure.
So, please open your eyes and understand the greater destiny which will befall the Greater Middle East because of Iran's meddling in Gaza. The day is coming when the nuclear genie will be out of the bottle in the plains of Tel Megiddo, the ancient name of the fields where the Battle of Armageddon will be fought.
The region is bubbling over and Iran is that tempest. Israel is being blamed for it because it is protecting itself against Hamas, Iran's agent.
Wake up before it's too late, friends.
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