Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Obama-Warren-Clinton Juxtaposition

If anyone thought the 2016 campaign is still on hold and at least a year away, until at least this coming January, after the 2014 election has been sorted out and resolved, this weekend's news put that myth to rest.

Yes, folks, the unthinkable has happened: after four, loooong years of dealing with the crumbs of Barack Obama's apparent false praise, and lying for him on the Benghazi disaster,  as well as covering for him, I am sure, on other issuesHillary Clinton will NOT BE endorsed as Barry's heir-apparent.

That's right, friends. It was reported in Sunday's late online edition of the New York Post  that Barry will be supporting first-term Massachusetts Senator, Elizabeth Warren.

In a column written by Edward Klein, the same Edward Klein who sits atop all the book reviews with his tome, Blood Feud, he reports that Barry and his consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, have met several times to discuss his post-presidency, and who he wants to succeed him.

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Ms Jarrett met with Senator Warren several times to urge the Senator to consider herself as THE CANDIDATE Barry finds most like him philosophically. She, too, favors the concept of the United States to become a European-style "democratic-socialist" nation. And both Barry and Valerie feel Warren would preserve Barry's agenda, while they believe Hillary would strip much of it apart.

Presently, the Senator's canned response is that she has no PRESENT plans to run. Right. I don't believe that statement, do you?

Actually, just in case these political geniuses didn't hear or figure it out, I believe any Republican candidate would do far worse. He or she would pretty much tear it down, run it through a shredder, burn it and flush it down the toilet until it washes out to sea.

Since, I am sure, many people are unaware of what Ms Warren did while a member of the Obama Administration, so please allow me to remind you. Initially, she served as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel which was created to oversee TARP. She then became Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the SecTreas. She is responsible for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the Dodd-Frank banking and finance act, enacted to place greater regulations on banks and other entities.

As a retired banker, all this did was create more layers of bureaucracy with little to no real protection of the consumer. Banks have found loopholes in the regulations to charge additional fees, to make up for higher costs for compliance.

If Elizabeth Warren were to become President, those four more years of Obamanomics and his nation-view would be so catastrophic to the American way of life, we would be hard-pressed to recover from it. Eight years would be difficult; twelve years would entrench us for a generation, for sure. 

And, if Elizabeth Warren were to become President, you could be assured that Barry would somehow be involved, even from the shadows, as much as, Bill WILL BE involved in a Hillary Clinton Administration. Either would be a disaster for the Nation.

You can take THAT to the bank.

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