Why is there a double standard in the world community when it comes to Israel? Could it be that since its founding in 1948, the Israelis have decided to exercise what I would call the "eye for an eye credo"? I say, absolutely.
It was reported in Tuesday's late online edition of The New York Times that Israel once again retaliated against Hamas with rocket fire, killing seven people and injuring twenty-five. But before it attacked, it released fliers in Arabic and made phone calls to virtually every home in Gaza. In addition, these deaths and injuries were caused by those who chose to play "human shield" rather than heed the warnings that retaliation would be forthcoming.
Since 2008, with the advent of Operation Drop Leaf, Israel had generally warned Gaza residents that the bombs were coming. Yet, Hamas and Hezbollah never warn Israel that the initial attacks are on the way. Ironic, isn't it?
So, on Tuesday, those self-appointed human rights groups, al-Haq and Human Rights Watch, once again issued stern admonitions against Israel, with nary a word for the reason why Israel retaliated. Why is that?
Where are the warnings and criticisms against Hamas for the initial attack? Even the crickets are quiet. There is a cause and effect concept at play, which everyone, including the Obama Administration chooses to ignore.
Israel has never attacked Gaza, the West Bank, or their precursor, Palestine. But, Israel is always the bad guy in this continual battle for domination of the region. Israelis are ever vigilant because they know that at any given moment, a bus will be blown up, a market will be bombed, schoolchildren will not come home.
To me, this is wanton anti-Semitism on the order the world witnessed in 1930s Nazi Germany. Yet, the world has learned nothing at all by its conduct since the ovens and gas chambers were exposed in 1945. Yes, no one is being shoved literally into an oven. But, blaming Israel for defending itself is equally disgusting.

It is time for the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists who attack Israel several times a month to be held to an equal level of contempt for their absolutely barbaric activity against a nation which has tried to live in peace with its neighbors.
Additionally, Mahmoud Abbas must be put into his place by being told that the continual support by him and his "government" by his turning a blind eye to this immoral activity will be met with severe consequences by the world. These consequences should include the world's rejection of any chance for recognized Palestinian Statehood.
This, more than anything else, will destroy his stature among his people and will probably result in his removal of his position by the Palestinians. Surely, that will be viewed as a disgrace and rejection of his entire "presidency".
Finally, the United States and Europe MUST reject and invalidate any pronouncement by either of these two "human rights" groups unless equal condemnation is applied to Hamas and Hezbollah.
Starting today.
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