Saturday, July 12, 2014

Downsizing and Change for the Worst

In the late online edition of Thursday's New York Post it was reported that thousands of presently deployed servicemen, including more than 1,100 Captains will soon be getting pink slips. Their service is no longer desired or required.

This has created a whole bunch of uncertainty for both the servicewoman and serviceman who fully expected to stay in the military until a full time job was found, and for family members  who worry daily while their loved one is still in harms' way and worry about their future income at the same time. 

This is a warped version of how to defend, or actually not to defend, the United States in a 21st Century world filled with hatred by so many for our country.

During the Cold War, we were looked upon with a love/hate view; we were loved because we represented all the things people wanted, eg, freedom, wealth, strength, and protection from Soviet aggression; we were hated for the jealousy of those who lacked the same.

After the Cold War ended, in reality in 1989 with the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the symbol of that collapse with the destruction of the Berlin Wall, the world looked upon the United States as a stabilizing force and as the world's policeman. American power was expected to be used in the First Iraq War, Kosovo, and elsewhere, as needed and requested.

The world understood in 2001 why we needed to invade Afghanistan and if you recall, the world intelligence agencies all believed Saddam had WMDs; therefore,  the UN authorized our involvement in Iraq and so did both Houses of the Congress,  with bi-partisan support.


So what happened?

First and foremost, Americans became war-weary fighting two futile wars at the same time. We did not find the WMDs, which seemed to vanish just before we deployed our "shock and awe" in March, 2003.  If you recall, initially it was announced that WMDs were found, including SCUDs. But then, poof! talking points took over and suddenly they were "unfound”.

As we guessed back in 2003 and 2004, the bulk of them went somewhere, and that somewhere was Syria. And now, the Islamic State claims it possesses them. Great.

Then, Americans elected a man who promised to end the wars and that's all we heard in 2008. Sadly, we elected, and then re-elected a man who had no real plan, and chose to listen to academics rather than to military men and experienced diplomats.  Oh, and made everything about "us v them", no matter what the issue or circumstance.

He also did this on the world stage, pitting all sorts of groups, whether in Africa, the Middle East, Europe or Asia. The world figured him out before we did.

Now, because of his lack of backbone and misguided decisions, the United States is now a laughingstock; disrespected by Russia, Europe, the Muslim World, Japan and China. Good job, Barry. You did something no other President has ever done. You united the world in its contempt and disdain for us.

This, then, is the world in which he wants to downsize our military. It is foolhardy to think we are protected with a military size at levels not seen since before World War II. It is frightening to think what means we will employ should the circumstances dictate a significant need for troops and we are not prepared to deploy them.

It took months to get men up to speed after Pearl Harbor, and the world was much bigger then. Now, instead of weeks by ship for an enemy to be posited to attack, it would be just a few hours, if not minutes, for a first strike by a motivated enemy.

So, perhaps we need to make some noise and demand that the drawdown be stopped. I get the point about bringing our troops home from lands which want us gone and I agree that if they don’t want us, why do we stay? For some seventy-year-old treaty no one abides by anymore except the United States? Instead, these experienced and trained men and women could be redeployed along our borders, to finally stop the influx of people who are entering illegally.

Finally, the thought that we would deactivate American servicemen and instead, allow foreign-born people enlist in their place, is the most absurd idea I ever heard since the Romans allowed foreigners to become legionnaires almost 2,000 years ago. Does anyone remember what happened?

The Germans, who replaced the Romans on the northern border of the Roman Empire, proved their loyalties were to the German tribes rather than to the Empire. Soon, the Vandals, Goths, Huns and others overtook the western part of the Roman Empire and Rome was no more.

That will soon be our fate, probably within less than twenty years at the pace we are forgoing our liberties now. All because we downsized and changed the requirements to be a good, strong, fearless AMERICAN soldier.

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