Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Hypocrisy of Elijah Cummings

I have one question regarding the current IRS investigation by Chairman Darryl Issa and the House Oversight Committee. If the Democrats ran this Committee with the Ranking Member Elijah Cummings in charge, and the IRS had targeted Liberal Democrats like George Soros' group as they did to Libertarian and Tea Party groups, would Rep Cummings and his fellow hypocritical Democrats find that acceptable? No? Then, Mr Cummings, shut the hell up!

You and your band of Obama Administration kiss ups would instead be all over the IRS for their stonewalling and blatantly illegal activity if your favorite groups were harassed and treated in such a partisan manner.  And the perjury committed by IRS Commissioner John Koskinen each time he appeared before the committee would have resulted in an arrest and a prosecution for lying to the Congress not once, but three separate appearances.

In Wednesday evening's online feed from CNN Commissioner Koskinen tried to turn the accusations back onto the committee with quite a bit of assistance from Obama Lackey Cummings. Both these men, sadly, will not be held in Contempt of Congress, in spite of the fact that they are both contemptible.

There is a placard circulating on Facebook these days, as shown below:


Essentially, as simple as this might be, this is the essence of what is at the heart of this investigation. It really doesn't matter which party controls the House, does it? Isn't supposed to be about discovering the TRUTH, Rep Cummings?

Or is your loyalty to your party and its titular head more important? Too bad Nixon didn't have you in his corner during the Watergate hearings.

Two liars and two hypocrites. You are his bedfellow, Sir. You are no better than the Unindicted Co-conspirator.

You are as corrupt.

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