Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lucy - A Review

If you need an escape from the border crisis, Israel and Hamas, Russia, sanctions and the Ukraine, or Obama and his latest questionable behavior,  go to the movies and see Lucy with Scarlett Johannson and the Great Morgan Freeman. It is spell-binding, action-packed, an edge-of-your-seat movie that required that you suspend reality.

I will not tell you the story as a movie critic would. No way can you possibly consider this a chic-flick, or some silly “stretch-for-the-yuck” film. But I will tell you that you need to look at it as you did the first time you saw 2001: A Space OdysseyA.I. – Artificial Intelligence or The Sixth Sense.

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The special effects are outrageous; the computer graphics are so real. Even the music, which sets the mood for each scene, was classical in parts. And I mean Mozart-classical.

Suffice to say, the script was well-written and well-thought. You need to understand that the writers had to research the theories discussed in the film, so that modern scientists could not find fault and criticize those theories.

Ultimately, it was worth the $15 I spent to be totally entertained for ninety minutes. The last few movies I saw in the theater, as opposed to Demand, Netflix, DVD or other home cable channel movies, were dogs. I would have been more entertained if I had lit a match to a ten and a five. But this was terrific, so good that I will see it again.

I suggest that if you want to do something this weekend, go to see Lucy. It will be worth your time and your money. It is a real escape.


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