Friday, January 31, 2014

Let Him Rot!

“Death sentence in Massachusetts?” All those who think that will happen, raise your hand; wait, no one??? I didn't think so.
It was reported on Thursday, that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will be tried with three charges of murder and assorted other crimes punishable by the death penalty due to the depravity of the crimes. If anyone thinks that will happen, well, I have a bridge to sell you. No, really! I do, a REAL big one!
The Obama administration has decided to ask for the death penalty in the Boston Marathon Bombing case because they know that even in a federal court the chances of a Massachusetts jury voting to put a terrorist to death are as good as a snowball existing in hell. Wait, Global Warming? Well, we will save that for another commentary. For the purpose of full disclosure, I don't believe in the death penalty. Instead, life imprisonment in solitary confinement, with no chance for parole would be a better sentence.  Just solitude, alone with one’s thoughts, “was it really worth it?”
I discussed this at length in my commentary "Death.... or Revengeposted on April 23, 2013. I explained my personal reasons, that cases of terrorism, putting the
Boston (Photo credits:
terrorist to death is a waste of effort because once the terrorist is dead; no more information can be obtained from him/her.
Certainly, this case will have a high emotional level for the victims, the victims' families and for the residents of Boston and its surrounding communities. After all, it took about four days until the authorities were sure who actually committed this heinous act. In the meantime, a high state of tension existed for all those days and nights, and ultimately during the lockdown of Boston, Cambridge, Newton, Waltham and Watertown, where he was found in a resident's boat.
There is also a possibility that the defense may petition the court to move the case to another venue because virtually all Bostonians and other southeastern Massachusetts residents feel they were victimized by this horrible attack. While they are probably right in their feelings, the defense will look at these emotions, to claim the defendant will not get an impartial jury from this jury pool. Where else could they move it to? After all, terrorism is terrorism.
Essentially, most residents of New England probably feel the same as residents from the five communities directly affected. Since it is a federal case, the trial could be moved anywhere, but it is not likely.
In the meantime, Barry and “Contemptible” Eric showcase that they are tough on terrorism, when they know full well this murderer will not see a needle or a chair.
If it were not so serious, this action by these clowns would be laughable.

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