Monday, January 6, 2014

A Bully Law

In this weekend's NY Post and others:

"Though he’s had plenty of opportunities to compromise on his overreaching contraceptive mandate, President Obama has defiantly refused them all. Now he’s fighting a group of nuns in US Supreme Court.

The nuns are the Little Sisters of the Poor, and they run nursing homes for the elderly. The Little Sisters argue they should not be forced to offer coverage that violates their religious convictions.

The Obama argument is astounding. The gist is that the nuns really aren’t religious enough to qualify for the church exemption. The administration backs up that position with hefty fines for the Little Sisters if they don’t cave. For example, just for their home in Denver, where there are 67 employees, it could run to $6,700 a day. That’s money the Little Sisters simply don’t have.

Hours before she rang in the New Year here in Times Square, Justice Sonia Sotomayor — one of Obama’s own picks — issued a ruling enjoining the Obama administration from enforcing its mandate on the Little Sisters, and on Friday accepted papers from both sides explaining their positions."

You know what? This is a bully law forced upon people to compromise their religious or moral beliefs for the sake of the state. Kind of sounds a little like Russian communism or German nazism, doesn't it?

How dare any one dictate to another that they must comply with a law which violates individual freedom? How would those who are forcing the Church, its entities, the  followers of religious liberty, etc, like it if they were told that they would be fined for not going to church or another religious place of worship? I am sure they would be screaming that this type of law would be fascism at its worst.

This law violates the precepts of the Constitution on so many levels, and sadly, at least to this point, the Roberts Court has allowed our freedoms to be stripped away.

Perhaps now, finally, the Little Sisters will be bigger than the Obama administration, forcing the court to finally rule that this violation of our rights under the First Amendment is declared unconstitutional. Justice Sotomayor may be the swing vote to force the court to do the right thing for the Little Sisters and the rest of us, who understand exactly what the Constitution is - our very basic and elementary charter which defines us as FREE Americans, not pawns of the state.

Let's hope so!

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