Monday, January 20, 2014

Our Screwed-Up Priorities

What is wrong with our news media and our criminal justice system? There are two stories which came to light recently, which in one case, the media made a big deal and the Obama-Holder Justice(?) Department assigned a prosecutor to explore and the other, nothing but crickets.

Can you guess which is which?

If you said "Benghazi is getting the the attention", sadly you would be mistaken. No, the media and the Justice Department want to prosecute the wrong-doing of a traffic jam, and because St Hillary is thinking of running for President, the Benghazi crime, yes I said "CRIME",  is being ignored by the media, led by the "paper of record", the New York Times, which by the way is good for wrapping fish and training puppies, but no longer deserves the stature your history earned. Members of the press: you have become a collective of ostriches.

Jeanine Pirro had a great commentary on her show on Saturday night where she reviewed the Senate report on this national disaster, and as I did in my commentary of January 16, "The Benghazi Whitewash", the Judge highlighted that St Secretary Hillary was mentioned only once, and only in the Republican addendum, at that.

Understand that I am not a big fan of Chris Christie by any means. But, can any of us justify that Hillary Clinton, the person who was in charge of the State Department in the months leading up to that horrible night and the months following that disaster, is now qualified to occupy the Office of the President? I think, instead, she, along with the current President of the United States, should be occupying a cell in Fort Leavenworth for their crimes against the United States.

Does the media really want to hang their hats on a local traffic jam? Really?

And does that "Contempt of Congress" Attorney General think that political expediency supersedes  his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution? I guess he does.

Umm, and as an aside to the media, do you really think the fact that Michelle Obama turned 50 this past week is news? Do you think the other 100 Million-plus baby boomers really give a $#*+?

There are many of you who think this is a rant, and maybe it is. But please look in the mirror and tell yourself that our priorities are in order in this country. And then, tell yourself you are totally right and honest. You won't be able to, unless you like lying to yourself.

The fact that four Americans died and were abused by their killers is, to me, a crime which deserves life imprisonment in our federal prisons by ALL the perpetrators, including our leaders who allowed and then covered up this horrible event. Bridges and birthdays are not news.

We chased a President from office over a burglary. We allow a President  and a would-be President to continue to be free over a murder conspiracy.

Are we screwed up or what?

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