Saturday, March 1, 2025

Meteorological Spring Begins Today

Today is March 1. It is a special day for several reasons.
First and foremost, it is the first day of Meteorological Spring. We celebrate the end of Meteorological Winter which began on December 1. While the first calendar day of Spring is on March 20, this coincides with the change meteorologists use as it is simpler for record-keeping and weather analysis.

But today is also the ancient Roman New Year called the Kalends. It begins on March 1, and ends on the Ides, or March 15, the day Julius Caesar was supposed to have been assassinated. We get the word “calendar” from Kalends.

Then, next weekend, we complete the semi-annual ritual of changing the clocks to "spring ahead”. This gives us an extra hour of daylight as the months warm towards summer.

The following week, we have St Patrick Day, with corned beef and cabbage, followed by St Joseph Day and Sfingi (cannoli cream-filled pastry). And parades every weekend.

As the month rolls on, major league baseball’s Opening Day shows up on March 27, inviting us to watch our favorite teams while we scarf down hot dogs and cold beers. A national pastime we all can enjoy!

Soon enough, April showers will bring May flowers, and with it comes Easter, Passover and Mothers Day. Memorial Day will remind us to pay homage to those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice as we continue to enjoy our Freedom and Liberty.

So, enjoy today as we move through the Meteorological Year. And soon Meteorlogical Summer will be here.

Meanwhile, Happy Spring!

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