Monday, February 3, 2025

An Interesting Survey Brings Things Into Focus

Here is an interesting story which was reported by Newsmax today.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey was conducted Jan. 26-28 among 1,229 likely voters. It has a ±3 percentage point margin of sampling error with a 95% level of confidence.
There are several interesting points to be brought out. Almost eight of ten believe it is appropriate for voters to have an ID to vote. The survey revealed that actually 77% of likely voters say requiring photo ID is a reasonable measure to protect election integrity. That's up from 74% in 2021.

Then, here is where the stats became surprising. 74% of people identifying as white, 88% of those identifying as Black, 77% identifying as Hispanic, and 81% identifying as another minority say requiring photo ID to vote was reasonable.

However, while 78% of Republicans and 62% of unaffiliated voters don't believe election laws requiring photo identification are discriminatory, 57% of those who identify as Democrats or Liberals believe they are.

Seems like Democrats don’t believe Blacks and Hispanics can get an ID from their states. Seems like a pretty racist position for the party of minority rights to take, yes?

Blacks and Hispanics should be outraged that some in the Democrat Party, and Liberals, would think they would not know how to obtain either a Driver’s license of a State ID. And how about passports, EBT Cards and even a Costco card.

I suppose Democrats must think Blacks and Hispanics don’t know how to get those, either. My minority friends, who live here in Florida, all have Voter ID cards because it IS required. And NONE feel it is discriminatory.

But, to Pelosi and Schumer and Sanders and Warren, your party has proven YOURS is discriminatory.

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