Friday, July 5, 2024

The Stephanopoulos/Biden "Interview"

Democrat Party shill George Stephanopoulos, whose paychecks are signed by Disney-ABC, will be interviewing President Biden tonight as a last-ditch effort to showcase how much Biden’s debate performance was an anomaly. It isn’t really going to be a hard-hitting interview, though, but rather, a remarkably soft puff piece with softball questions.

You can be assured that he was given these questions earlier this week. Actually, I am sure, “Dr” Jill was provided with a list of questions for her review and approval. And she will check off those which the Democrat shill is permitted to ask.

The hope, of course, is to convince the viewer that Biden still has control of all his faculties and is not suffering from dementia. Or has a cold. Or is tired from globe-hopping.

I will be watching with interest, not at the interview since it is definitely going to be rigged, but at the analysis which will be scripted to tell us all what a thoughtful, take-charge President that old Joe, and I mean OLD, still is. And if you swallow that line of BS  you are told, then you are also blind, stupid or in the party tank with good old George.

But wait! Isn’t  this going to be past Joe's bedtime? Isn’t it on at 8 PM? Or was it held between 10 AM and 4 PM, taped and edited;  and we are expected to believe it was shown live, without any scrubbing. 

Nah!! Georgey-Porgy will do everything to make Biden look like Lincoln or Kennedy… or Clinton. And you must believe your eyes and ears or you will be deemed biased. Unlike George, who is a master of political chicanery. 

After all, he was Clinton’s shill, too.

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