Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Reason To Excercise 25 A

It has been said, if you are too… then you… Why the blanks? Because there have been two separate and distinct statements made, this year, about Joe Biden.

The first was made in the Summary Report by Special Prosecutor, Robert Hur, and in his testimony to Congress.for Biden not to be indicted for taking unauthorized classified documents after he left the Vice Presidency in 2017. In the report, he stated that he felt it would be bad optics to prosecute Biden because  he was too old and feeble.

Essentially, he was too old and feeble to be indicted and prosecuted, but it was okay to continue to serve as President? So the LSM ran with that, messaging it until it faded away in the news cycle.

The second was made by many in the media trying to keep him in the forefront and to keep him in office until the Democrats could complete their coup d’etat to remove him from the ticket in the dead of night.

Here it was said that he may be too ill to continue his campaign but he would continue until his term was up.

I say this, about that. All of that:

If you are too old, feeble or ill to stand trial or run, but think you can continue to serve, then you can not. Instead, I say it is time for someone to find the guts to excercise the 25th Amendment and finally put the needs of the country above the needs of the party and political expediency. As of now, we know he won’t resign, but should. 

The mechanism is right there for all to read in our Constitution. It is obvious to anyone in the Executuve and Legislative branches he cannot serve without risking our safety and security in the world.

By doing nothing, except to protect Biden’s  presidency, and your status, you are now in violation of your oaths to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution  of the United States. Keep that in mind as you continue to campaign to keep your seats.

Trust me, Americans are fair people, but hate, and will remember, traitors and treasonous actions by those who could have done what was right.

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