Friday, July 26, 2024

The Puppet-Master Has a New Toy

Attention all DemoNazis! You are now permitted to publicly endorse the leading frontrunner for the Party's nomination. The Chairman and his wife have so decreed and have allowed this since they have now endorsed her, too. You'd better or else you will  have Hell to pay if she (God Forbid!) gets elected.

Suddenly, six days after Biden sent out his electronically-signed withdrawal document and endorsement of his VEEP via Tweet on X (formerly Twitter), the Chairman (oops, the former, 44th President) has ordained his approval to you to follow his lead. Now, you may take a deep breath and relax.

He apparently has decided in his endorsement that the fastest way back to destroying our Constitutional Republic is by using her. He has been her guiding light for all things Obama-like for years. 

Initially, she was a force in trying to smear the reputation of Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination process by repeating an unfounded allegation against him that he “gang-raped” someone when he was in college. And she was joined by many other DemoNazis who gleefully played along in that lie.

Then, she was considered a good candidate for President in 2020 by other DemoNazis by pushing that she was an African-American woman, until they realized she wasn’t. She, instead, IS  Jamaican-Indian, which makes her dark-skinned but NOT African-American. She conveniently leaves that part out. 

Then, although she won no delegates in the 2020 primary, MIRACULOUSLY, old Joe chose her to be his running mate. And they won (but did they? Never mind).

Her first task after the Biden-Harris administration was sworn in was to take control of the border. She took control of it, alright, by stopping border agents from doing their jobs and allowing at least TEN MILLION illegal aliens across our southern border. And she championed “sanctuary cities”, watching our former great metropolitan communities be destroyed in the process. Of course, she was following the directives laid down by  Biden (or was it Obama?).

She has been a failure at her position all through her term as Vice President, which will be discussed again if she gets the nomination. 

This week, she showed her true colors by not attending the Netanhayu address to a joint session of Congress in her Constitutionally-decribed position as President of the Senate. This was the height of rudeness to our most important ally in the Middle East. Instead, she attended a political event which she found to be more important. She has previously made it clear she supports the terror group, Hamas, which has killed twenty-three Americans and still hold eight Americans as hostages.

And, when she met with Netanyahu yesterday, she DEMANDED that he enter into a cease-fire arrangement immediately. Very UNDIPLOMATIC for someone desiring the Presidency.

But now, she has the Chairman’s blessings, so she doesn’t give a crap anymore. She is too stupid to realize that she is just another puppet on the strings. The old one broke. 

She is the new toy for the DemoNazi puppet-master. God help us.

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