Friday, July 12, 2024

Anyway... Come On, Man... You Know, the Thing...


I was sitting around relaxing yesterday on yet another hot, summer day, reading the various online newspapers. You know, the New York Times, the New York Post, the Washington Examiner and the digital sites, Fox News and CNN. I was suddenly hit with a concept which I had never heard: the “Big Boy” press conference.

As I continued to read through each site, it occurred to me that the “Big Boy” they were referring to was President Biden. I burst out laughing because it was a ridiculous and denigrating name to call the “Leader” of the Free World. And, obviously disrespectful.

Then I thought, when did the “Big Guy” become the “Big Boy”?

I think the legacy media finally lifted its protective smokescreen it had surrounded Biden with since 2019 because the debate with Trump on June 27 was so bad, continuing to cover for him would reveal the LSM to be nothing but Biden lackeys on a scale that Pravda and TASS exist to protect Vladimir Putin. Any appearance of unbiased journalism would be lost and so would the media’s minimal remaining respect by the American people. And they would not survive that.

So, in the dark of night, they all received new marching orders from whomever runs the Deep State, whether it is Obama, Soros or some other person or entity who/which hates the idea that somehow Americans are slow to act, but like bees or wasps, will strike when we are provoked. And now we were. So, the destruction of Biden’s reputation was put into play.

Hence, the “Big Boy” designation.

But they also needed to show “Dr” Jill Cruella Deville to be included in this humiliation. So now, she is being portrayed as an active participant in the heretofore coverup of Biden’s incapacities and disabiities. She cannot hide like Obama or Pelosi behind the still enveloped smokescreen the media is providing for them because she is his wife, and accordingly, must “stand by her man”. And she is hating every bit of this because she, too, was a willing participant when she was promised her lifetime Secret Service protection, Vogue covers, and other glories in 2019. Oh, that tangled web she weaved.

Those of us who knew early on that a President Biden was nothing more than a sham perpetrated on us by the Democrats, the media and the Deep State players are finally able to say, “I told you so.”  But is it too late?

Yesterday was a horrible day for Joe Biden, when he introduced Volodymyr Zelinsky as “President Putin” to the NATO attendees and referred to Vice President Harris as “Vice President Trump”. As of this morning, twenty Democrat members of the House, one Democrat Senator and several big-time Democrat donors, including George Clooney and Rob Reiner, are calling for Biden to withdraw from the race. As well, the Times editorial board, Jon Stewart, Joe Scarborough, Paul Krugman and others are appealing to his better angels to drop out.

In the press conference, Biden continuously lost his train of thought, used the term “anyway” as his thought process drifted at least nine times, would whisper, “the thing” when he could not remember what he was discussing, and said, “come on, man” as he became agitated and angry with his inquisitor. To him, it apparently felt like an inquisition.

And unlike after the debate, “Dr” Deville was not there to tell him, like one would tell a two-year-old, that she was "proud of him that he answered every question". Nor could she even tell him what a “Big Boy” he was.

And if he survives the weekend, the “Big Boy” will be questioned by Lester Holt of NBC News on Monday as Trump and the RNC begin its convention. Will another disaster be forthcoming?

Or will it be more of “anyway”, “come on man” and “you know, the thing”?

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