Monday, July 29, 2024

The President Looks for Approval from his Base

Today, Joe Biden wrote an Op-Ed piece in the Washington Post, which was reported in the New York Post and other publications, concerning his (and Kamala Harris) plan to work toward term limits for the Supreme Court, along with ethics reform. He is also planning to limit the immunity ability of Donald Trump via Constitutional Amendment in a (probable) second term. And he signed it as President of the United States.

Good for you, Joe. If you hadn’t done that, we may have thought it was the other Joe Biden. You know that  one. Yes? The Joe Biden whose job was to critique chocolate chip ice cream. 

Here is a news flash, Joe. That Constitutional Amendment you want to shove down our throats limiting Presidential immunity will never see the light of day. You want to know why? The House of Representatives with its Republican Majority will not even send it to a committee. Much like the Senate blocked Mayorkas’ impeachment hearing in the Democrat-controlled Senate. So, as they say, that’s that.

But even if by some chain of events or miracle the legislation made it out of committee, in a totally Democrat-controlled Congress, there is no way you would get two thirds of each House AND three quarters of all the states to sign on and agree. So this is all just political theater to appeal to Kamala’s base since (another news flash!) your standing is done.

Term limits for the Supremes? The people will not allow it unless there is also a plan for term limits for the Members of Congress. With restrictions on pension benefits comparble to the private sector. So, uhm, no Joe, your pals won’t be signing onto that plan, either.

With regards to ethics issues, Joe, I agree, as most Americans do, that everyone in government should be held to a higher ethical standard. But will your pals restrict themselves to the same standards you propose for tte Supreme Court? Like no insider trading?Accepting no gifts? Or just about everything else we could bring up to show no Member of Congress has the clean hands as they and/or you want to hold to the Supremes?

Finally, Joe. In that piece, you made certain to claim that “no one was above the law.” On that one, Joe, I agree 100%. That includes your felon son. He broke the law. I mean, I am sure I would be going to prison if I did what he did. So I think your son should go to prison, too. Otherwise, there would be a two-tier justice system in America. Right? RIGHT??

And for good measure, maybe the ability and power for Presidents, or Governors, or anyone else permitted to grant pardons should, instead, be revoked. And no-cash bail should be repealed. Never to rear its ugly head again.  NATIONWIDE.

I am sure Kamala would go along  with this, too, since she is so willing to play prosecutor. Wait! Did I hear a “no” from you and her on this? I did?

Then, both of you, and all who agreed with your stupid and brain-dead Op-Ed piece just better take a seat and STFU. 

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