Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cover-up or Coup?

It is now almost seven days since anyone saw Joe Biden. I wrote about this yesterday in my Commentary, Where IS Joe Biden? And still, another day of rampant speculation continues.

When Ronald Reagan was shot, soon after he awoke from surgery having the bullet(s) extracted, he met with members of the press to assure us all was well with him. And each day after that, he made sure that photos were taken and comments were reported so that we knew he was a fully functional President.

Ironically, the reverse is true regarding  President Biden’s curious absence. This is a man who is photographed almost daily, even doing mundane things like riding a bike, walking along his beachfront property or even eating an ice cream cone.

His absence is totally out of character. Yes, I agree he may be sick, but too sick to poke his head out of his window and give a wave to his well-wishers, like Reagan did?

If he is really that sick, he should resign, admitting he cannot do the job anymore, or short of that, have the Vice President and Cabinet invoke the 25th Amendment until such time as he can assume the duties of his office again. This was why it was written; to assure the people that the transactions and the continuity of the government are ongoing safely and securely.

It isn’t a crime to be sick. It can happen to anyone. But, the cover-up of that sickness certainly invites further investigation to make sure the person running the government is either the President, or the Vice President in the constitutionally permitted, temporary role of Acting Ptesident.

It was announced earlier today on X, formerly Twitter, the New York Post and elsewhere, that President Biden will address the nation tomorrow. Why wait until then? He allegedly is returning to the White House today, and the rumors of his death or coma will only get louder.

This is on top of his canceling a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu last night for today. Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East and has been dealing with a war which the Prime Minister felt he needed to discuss.

It is time NOW, TODAY for the Biden Administration  to come clean. Or will this be the fictional Murder At 1600  played out for real?

The clock is ticking.

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