Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Democracy Dies

The Washington Post, after being in the Graham Family for generations, was bought by Jeff Bezos in August, 2013. It was purchased out of bankruptcy in 1933 by Eugene Meyer,  Katherine Graham's father. 

Mrs Graham ran the paper following her husband's death in 1963, until 1979, when her son, Donald, succeeded her. Donald Graham ran the paper until he sold it to Jeff Bezos.

The paper had a storied and honorable existence as it co-published the Pentagon Papers along with the New York Times, and then was the leading paper which reported the historic Watergate Break-in story which resulted in the resignation of President Nixon.

Thereafter, it continued to be a respected, and well-written paper, which rested on the laurels won for its stand fighting for first amendment rights, especially as it fought hard for Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech.

In February, 2017, WaPo added its first tagline to its masthead, Democracy Dies In Darkness. It was lauded and mocked equally by many. But Mr Bezos kept it as a reminder to its legacy to its principles.

This past weekend, Joe Biden, for all his issues, was effectively overthrown as the nominee of his party, even as he controlled 99% of the delegates, by a small cadre of party leaders including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the Clintons  and a few others. Essentially, they completed a coup d’etat and installed his Vice President to take his place. He basically was told to step down or he would be removed from the Presidency via the 25th Amendment.

To prove this point, the party delegates were essentially told that Kamala Harris was now the standard-bearer, without any chance given to re-primary any other candidates.

So what did WaPo, The Times and other leading media entities say about this? Nothing. Except to welcome Harris as the nominee with plaudits and praise. Oh, what a grand choice! A grand choice, indeed!!

Except, there was no choice. Instead, we learned that in the leftist, self-righteous, MainStreamMedia, it’s okay if Democracy Dies In the Democrat Party.

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