Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Second Trump Cabinet - My First Picks

Last week, I was talking to some friends about the upcoming election and who President Trump should choose for his Cabinet. I have essentially picked all of them, but for today, I will share these six.

Keep in mind that I have tried to put the person with the position I think he or she is the most qualified for and not necessarily the most politically expedient. In the coming weeks I will share others.

Ben Carson – Health and Human Services: Dr Carson was previously Secretary of HUD and I felt he did a decent job. But this department is where I think he would excel. He is a surgeon who understands what really matters to his patients. And I believe he would fix and streamline Medicare and Medicaid.

Rick Perry - Department of Energy: Secretary Perry held this position previously under President Trump. If you recall, for the four years the Secretary held this position, oil and gasoline were plentiful and cheap. We actually were the largest supplier of oil worldwide during those four years. Why argue with success?

Rick Grenell – UN Ambassador: Director Grenell, in the Trump Administration, was previously Ambassador to Germany, and then, Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence. So, he knows a thing or two how to get along with allies and adversaries alike. And the UN would be his baliwick for the US to regain its lost luster from four years of indecision and weakness.

Vivek Ramaswamy - Department of Commerce: Here is an idea – putting someone in the position he knows something about – Business. He founded several businesses across non-vertical lines during his career, a pharmaceutical company and a hedge fund. Oh yeah, and a tech company, too. So maybe, he understands what is involved in creating startups and running them profitably.

Lee Zeldin – Department of Veterans Affairs: Former Congressman Zeldin served in Iraq and is presently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves, so he knows something about serving our country and helping our veterans. As a Congressman, he put forward several bills aimed at helping veterans returning from combat as he did. He is also an attorney and defended Donald Trump during the Ukraine impeachment.

Tulsi Gabbard – Department of Homeland Security: Former Congresswoman Gabbard is also an Iraq War veteran and is presently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves. She is a fervent spokesperson, calling for the securing of our border and suspending the granting of visas indiscriminately. On this issue and several others, Tulsi, a former Democrat, has aligned herself to many of President Trump’s positions.

As I said, these people are highly qualified for the positions I would hope to see them in a second Trump Admistration. Over the next several weeks, I will share my other picks and the whys for the remaining Trump Cabinet Secretaries.

Meanwhile, what say you?

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Meet Director Ronald Rowe

Today, Ronald Rowe, the new Acting Director of the Secret Service, is testifying to a joint bipartisan committee regarding the recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump. Perhaps, we can hope he will be more forthcoming than his predecessor was before she resigned.

Director Rowe is a twenty-five year veteran of the Service, serving since 1999. He began his career under President Clinton, rising through the ranks under Presidents Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden. Prior to 1999, he was on the West Palm Beach Police Department.

He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice (1994) from the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland, and graduated from Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, (2007) receiving a Master of Science in Administration. He has served in various leadership roles in the Secret Service since 2017.

He has also had various supervisory positions across the many departments which encompasses the service, including cybersecurity, national security, national intelligence and homeland security.

With his plethora of experience, he should be able to provide a guiding force and a calming influence to the Secret Service after the recent negative events which has caused disparagement to this elite department and which protects our Presidents and our currency. The rank and file deserve a strong leader.

And Americans need to restore its faith in the men and women assigned to these difficult tasks. Let us hope Director Rowe is that leader.

Monday, July 29, 2024

The President Looks for Approval from his Base

Today, Joe Biden wrote an Op-Ed piece in the Washington Post, which was reported in the New York Post and other publications, concerning his (and Kamala Harris) plan to work toward term limits for the Supreme Court, along with ethics reform. He is also planning to limit the immunity ability of Donald Trump via Constitutional Amendment in a (probable) second term. And he signed it as President of the United States.

Good for you, Joe. If you hadn’t done that, we may have thought it was the other Joe Biden. You know that  one. Yes? The Joe Biden whose job was to critique chocolate chip ice cream. 

Here is a news flash, Joe. That Constitutional Amendment you want to shove down our throats limiting Presidential immunity will never see the light of day. You want to know why? The House of Representatives with its Republican Majority will not even send it to a committee. Much like the Senate blocked Mayorkas’ impeachment hearing in the Democrat-controlled Senate. So, as they say, that’s that.

But even if by some chain of events or miracle the legislation made it out of committee, in a totally Democrat-controlled Congress, there is no way you would get two thirds of each House AND three quarters of all the states to sign on and agree. So this is all just political theater to appeal to Kamala’s base since (another news flash!) your standing is done.

Term limits for the Supremes? The people will not allow it unless there is also a plan for term limits for the Members of Congress. With restrictions on pension benefits comparble to the private sector. So, uhm, no Joe, your pals won’t be signing onto that plan, either.

With regards to ethics issues, Joe, I agree, as most Americans do, that everyone in government should be held to a higher ethical standard. But will your pals restrict themselves to the same standards you propose for tte Supreme Court? Like no insider trading?Accepting no gifts? Or just about everything else we could bring up to show no Member of Congress has the clean hands as they and/or you want to hold to the Supremes?

Finally, Joe. In that piece, you made certain to claim that “no one was above the law.” On that one, Joe, I agree 100%. That includes your felon son. He broke the law. I mean, I am sure I would be going to prison if I did what he did. So I think your son should go to prison, too. Otherwise, there would be a two-tier justice system in America. Right? RIGHT??

And for good measure, maybe the ability and power for Presidents, or Governors, or anyone else permitted to grant pardons should, instead, be revoked. And no-cash bail should be repealed. Never to rear its ugly head again.  NATIONWIDE.

I am sure Kamala would go along  with this, too, since she is so willing to play prosecutor. Wait! Did I hear a “no” from you and her on this? I did?

Then, both of you, and all who agreed with your stupid and brain-dead Op-Ed piece just better take a seat and STFU. 

When You're a Jet (Fan)

There are presently thirty-two teams in the NFL, with twelve which have never  won a Super Bowl. However, several won their championships before the NFL expanded with the creation of the AFL and subsequently, with the merger,  which created the NFC and AFC.

Other teams have also never won a Super Bowl since they started but have made at least one appearance since they were formed in the Super Bowl era and lost. And just to be clear, the Super Bowl Era began in 1966-1967 season, with the first Super Bowl game in January, 1967.

Those early seasons consisted of a fourteen game season in both the NFL and AFL, with each league having an Eastern and Western Division champion, which played ONE playoff game, which decided the contestants to play the second Sunday in January in the AFL-NFL Championship game.

It wasn’t until the 1968-1969 season, with the impending merger to follow in 1969, that the championship game was called the Super Bowl.

And the teams which played that late afternoon/early evening game on January 12, 1969 in Miami’s Orange Bowl were the mighty Baltimore Colts, led by veterans Earl Morrall and the injured Johnny Unitas, and the 19 ½ point underdog New York Jets, piloted by the brash, young wise guy, twenty-five year old upstart, Joe Namath, who confidently boasted that the Jets would crush the Colts. In fact, he guaranteed it.

One that day, I was a seventeen year-old senior in high school, working part-time in a bakery, with no drivers license, still planning to become a priest the following September. LBJ would still be President for eight more days, the Vietnam War still raged and the Beatles were rehearsing to do the Rooftop Concert at the end of that month.

And by 7:30 that night, Joe Namath fulfilled his guarantee by crushing the Baltimore Colts by a score of 16-7. But it wasn’t until late in the fourth quarter that the Colts and Unitas had shown any life at all when they scored their first and only touchdown with less than five minutes to play.

Since that fateful Sunday, the Jets have never played  again in the Super Bowl. They hold the record for the longest drought in the Super Bowl era at fifty-five seasons. And counting. They have played in several conference championships but lost each time.

And yet, as a now seventy-three year-old fan, I still hold out hope that maybe, this will be the year. That is the pain I bear as a loyal, long-suffering fan. My almost forty year-old son keeps a chart of all our teams’ days (Jets - 20,287 days) between championship wins. And he has passed onto his ten year-old son that same pain I introduced to him many years ago.

This year, the Super Bowl will be held on February 9, 2025 at the Ceasar’s Superdome in New Orleans. It will be, I am sure, a rollicking good time for those who will have tickets, and for fans like me who love these games and the party atmosphere around our TV sets.

Ir would be extremely special if the New York Jets are on the field that day. And WIN IT ALL!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Disaster A Harris Presidency Will Bring

With the removal of President Biden as the Democrat nominee, and the ascendancy of Kamala Harris as the presumptive nominee, Hamas, and now Hezzbollah, have become more brazen in its attacks on Israel. Harris has made it very clear that she supports Hamas and has demanded that Benjamin Netanyahu enter into a one-sided, terrorist-friendly ceasefire.

On Saturday, with the Israeli Prime Minister still in the United States, Hezzbollah boldly attacked the Golan Heights killing at least eleven. Mostly children. Harris’ position is very clear to the enemies of Israel and thus has emboldened them to continue reeking havoc, knowing that a potential future Harris Administration will stand by and do NOTHING to stop them.

If you doubt this, just look at what she has said when pro-Palestinian groups took over our own college campuses this year. She has encouraged these anti-Semites to continue their protests. Less than a month after Oct 7, Harris spoke approvingly of rampaging pro-Hamas college students, telling reporters “I do understand their concerns and I will never attempt to stifle or silence young people from expressing their concerns.”

This was their “dog-whistle” that this former California prosecutor would not prosecute them for their protests or their hate crimes if she were in charge. This was said even as several anti-Semitic administrators were resigning their Ivy League university positions.

She has quietly warned Prime Minister Netanyahu that he MUST accept the cease-fire agreement as proposed or he will have hell to pay if she becomes our next President. This was after she snubbed him by not attending his speech at the Joint Session of Congress earlier in the week.

I fear that under a Harris Administration we will see, finally, the obliteration of our only true ally in the region begin on Day One. And anti-Semitism will no longer be treated as a hate crime in the United States under a President Harris Administration.

The Mufti of Jersusalem, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, and Adolph Hitler will be pleased.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dreamin' and Screamin' For the Orange and Blue

After writing twenty-plus commentaries this month on politics and the events occurring in the current election cycle, I thought  I, and you, needed to consider more mundane, laid-back fun stuff. Like America’s 19th century, pastoral game, baseball.

As many of you know, I am a long-time, long-suffering, loyal fan. who bleeds “Orange and Blue Since ‘62”, of the New York Mets. We have had our two World Series wins, 1969 and 1986, several other appearances and a smattering of other lesser boasts. 

But now, with a team which was given up for done on Memorial Day, we are the Number One Wild Card seed with two months to play. We are no longer sellers; we are now buyers. Kinda reminds me of 2015. Same weekend, when we got Cespedes. And forged a run to the pennant for the ages.

What makes it sweeter is that we are ahead of our long-time nemesis, the Atlanta Braves. To my friends from Georgia, your team has pretty much dominated baseball since the 1990s.  It’s time to give someone else a shot.

Just to be clear, I am a Georgia-born guy, raised in Queens and Nassau counties, and have lived my entire life, until recently, on Long Island.  So where would my loyalties lie? And my passion?

Just last month, I wrote a commentary about the 1973 season called "Ya Gotta Believe!" and the events surrounding that pennant run. This season seems to mirror that one but this time, for each game, we seem to have many more players stepping up and leading the way. And that is good.

I know there is still a lot of baseball to be played, but this weekend just might be the one we can point to on October 1 when the Mets achieve the impossible dream, and pass the Phillies, to win the division. 

A boy, even at 73, can dream, yes? So sit back, hold on, and be ready to scream that immortal cheer:


Israel and Its Right to Peacefully Exist

I support Israel. I make no bones about it. I am a proud defender of Israel's right to exist.

I am not Jewish, although I have Jewish cousins and friends, some of whom feel differently than I do. And that surprises me.

When I ask why they don’t support Israel, the responses are varied.  “They are bullies.” Or, “They were given land which was owned by others.” Or, “They are using American tax dollars to subjugate the Palestinians.” But most of all, no matter what they claim for their indifference, non-support, or outright hatred of our only real, democratically elected  ally in the Middle East, to a person they also say, “I hate Netanyahu.” Or words like that.

Really? Are you going to let your hatred of one man be THE reason you won’t support Israel? The land which was the ancient home of Jews? The land where three major religions were founded and call home? The land that has been fought over by many different political conquerors for five millenia? The land where Moses was given the Ten Commandments? The land where Jesus Christ was born,  lived, and died? The land where Mohammed ascended into Heaven? The land which, according to many prophets, will be the location of the Final War or Armegeddon? 

That Israel?

As Americans, part of our belief system is based in Judaic tradition. All men are created with the inalienable rights of life and liberty. Justice for all. Freedom to pursue our dreams. A free republican form of government which holds democratic principles dear. And will fight anyone who tries to take it away from us.

That is the American tradition. And the traditions of Israel.

Get a hold of yourselves, people. We are founded on Judaic-Christian principles, which supports ALL people to live here. Peacefully. And wait! So does Israel!!

Our current governing administration is not afraid to disrespect Israel because of its disdain for one man. And will not meet with him during this state visit. And so do many people of the same political party. In your hearts, you know that this practice is not right. 

Instead, look to your soul, your humanity, your love for your fellow man and realize that the survival of Israel is paramount to our own survival. Join me and pray for the continued existence, in Peace, for Israel to survive against all the anti-Semitism it faces every single day from all who hate it so much. All because they hate one man.

That is the most Christian, and most Jewish, thing you will ever do.

The NEW Democrat Party at Work

First, let me say that I watched President Biden give, for all intents and purposes, his farewell address to the nation last night. July 24, 2024. His message, stumbling through it as he did, was a litany of what he felt were his accomplishments for his entire career. This should have been delivered on or about Januuary 15, 2025.

It was also an emotional speech for him to give because he probably knew he would not be afforded the opportunity to speak again to the American citizens. His voice cracked several times as if he were holding back tears. While he said he would continue to preside until his term was done, he knew instinctively he was already swept into the dustbin of history.

Now, let me offer this. The Democrats are still planning to hold a virtual nomination process from August 1st to the 7th. This is very peculiar and very undemocratic. It is as though the leadership is forcing the delegates to choose the ordained nominee, Kamala Harris, without considering other options.

Can anyone honestly claim that she is the best candidate the Democrat Party has to offer the American electorate? Honestly? Without crossing your fingers and hoping to die?

If you believe that, Boeing has a Starliner stuck at the space station to sell you. Cheap. Astronauts not included. 

The Democrat leadership has shown it studied the 1933 Reichstag election and the entire 20th century Soviet Politburo very well and wants to bring what they learned to a convention near you. In three weeks. Are you liking that idea yet, Democrats?

If you are, then you are a fool or part of the NEW DemoNazis which are trying  to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Either way, JFK and Truman are now rolling over in their graves. You have surrendered your freedoms to the elite.

And they are saying Donald Trump will take away and destroy our “Democracy”? Puleeze… spare me that line of bull crap.

I, for one, will continue to speak out when I see our freedoms and liberties bring eroded by the DemoNazi Party elite. I hope you will, too.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Puppet-Master Has a New Toy

Attention all DemoNazis! You are now permitted to publicly endorse the leading frontrunner for the Party's nomination. The Chairman and his wife have so decreed and have allowed this since they have now endorsed her, too. You'd better or else you will  have Hell to pay if she (God Forbid!) gets elected.

Suddenly, six days after Biden sent out his electronically-signed withdrawal document and endorsement of his VEEP via Tweet on X (formerly Twitter), the Chairman (oops, the former, 44th President) has ordained his approval to you to follow his lead. Now, you may take a deep breath and relax.

He apparently has decided in his endorsement that the fastest way back to destroying our Constitutional Republic is by using her. He has been her guiding light for all things Obama-like for years. 

Initially, she was a force in trying to smear the reputation of Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination process by repeating an unfounded allegation against him that he “gang-raped” someone when he was in college. And she was joined by many other DemoNazis who gleefully played along in that lie.

Then, she was considered a good candidate for President in 2020 by other DemoNazis by pushing that she was an African-American woman, until they realized she wasn’t. She, instead, IS  Jamaican-Indian, which makes her dark-skinned but NOT African-American. She conveniently leaves that part out. 

Then, although she won no delegates in the 2020 primary, MIRACULOUSLY, old Joe chose her to be his running mate. And they won (but did they? Never mind).

Her first task after the Biden-Harris administration was sworn in was to take control of the border. She took control of it, alright, by stopping border agents from doing their jobs and allowing at least TEN MILLION illegal aliens across our southern border. And she championed “sanctuary cities”, watching our former great metropolitan communities be destroyed in the process. Of course, she was following the directives laid down by  Biden (or was it Obama?).

She has been a failure at her position all through her term as Vice President, which will be discussed again if she gets the nomination. 

This week, she showed her true colors by not attending the Netanhayu address to a joint session of Congress in her Constitutionally-decribed position as President of the Senate. This was the height of rudeness to our most important ally in the Middle East. Instead, she attended a political event which she found to be more important. She has previously made it clear she supports the terror group, Hamas, which has killed twenty-three Americans and still hold eight Americans as hostages.

And, when she met with Netanyahu yesterday, she DEMANDED that he enter into a cease-fire arrangement immediately. Very UNDIPLOMATIC for someone desiring the Presidency.

But now, she has the Chairman’s blessings, so she doesn’t give a crap anymore. She is too stupid to realize that she is just another puppet on the strings. The old one broke. 

She is the new toy for the DemoNazi puppet-master. God help us.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Where IS Joe Biden?

Here is a question which needs to be answered. Like now. Has anyone seen Joe Biden since 4:15 pm PDT on July 17? ANYONE?

I mean, besides his family and his closest aides?

He was supposed to appear at a fundraiser held by the Hispanic group UnidosUS, but he mysteriously took a COVID-19 test and immediately claimed he needed to self-isolate. This was after he told a BET reporter just the day before that only way he would withdraw from the race was if he got sick. 

Did your lightbulb pop on? Mine did when he said that. And magically, the next day he got COVID. By the way, how many times has Biden been vaccinated and boosted? More than three or four times, at least.

And he has been sick with it just as many times. Tells you much about the scam the vaccine was he foisted on us. Doesn’t it?

Masks and mandates; terminations and compliance; and, the UNVACCINATED population was the biggest danger to everyone else. Right? RIGHT??

Very odd that his withdrawal letter from the campaign was written on his personal stationery and not on White House letterhead, don’t you think? And was electronically signed? And his staff was “informed” one minute before the rest of us?

Oh, and thirty minutes later, his endorsement of Kamala Harris was done the same way? I mean, okay. He needed to put his withdrawal in writing anyway, so I will buy that. But announcing his support for Harris should have been in a more public setting.

This raises many questions, but I will ask only one multipart question and one other. Is Biden dead or is he unconcious? No matter the answer to the first, the greatest hoax maybe being played in the American people who have the right to know. Right now. Just like the movie, Dave, from 1993, with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver. And this time, it isn’t funny.

The other is: Where is President Biden?