Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Where's Barry?

Where is the President? Is he at his desk? No. Is he in the White House? No, again. Maybe, he is at the Capitol meeting with Members of Congress! Nope.

No, he is nowhere near the places you would expect a leader to be. Instead, he is out on the hustings again, showing his base how good his voice sounds, and wants them to love the sound of it as much as he does. Or, he is trying to qualify for the PGA Open, by practicing several times a month, as much as Tiger and Phil do.

Or shooting hoops, hoping an NBA team might draft him, because he knows he is just so good. The Secret Service must think so, he thinks, because they are always guarding this potential star player.

Or, you might find him out with the Hollywood crowd, auditioning for a starring role in the movie about his life. He even wrote a book on which it could be based, called Dreams of My Father.

In it, you would find him in bed sleeping, dreaming of all the things he could have done differently to make this country great, and then he wakes up after each and says, "Nah, Dad wouldn't have done that," and falls asleep again.

Or, you might find him railing against the evil-doing jet-setting corporate executives, who have no shame paying less taxes than the rest of us because they take deductions for creating jobs and making profits for our 401-k plans, and then gets onto Air Force One, flies off to some third world country and is worshipped like a messiah.

Yes, folks. That's where you might find this President. Doing anything but what he was elected to do. That's right, his job! How is it that Reagan, the Bushes and Clinton were criticized unmercifully for taking a break, but this man gets the free pass?

How about it, Mr President? You had it easy for almost five years. Isn't it time for you to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty? Trust me, you won't break a sweat doing your Constitutional duty.

Try leading from up front for a change. You might just like it. Because whatever you think you are doing now, just ain't working.

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