Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Genius v Insanity

You know, this is a very disturbing irony. The President of the United States finds it difficult, if not downright a violation of his principles, to negotiate a budget agreement with the Republicans (Americans all) in the Congress, yet is chasing the President of Iran like he is the hottest date to take to the Senior Prom.

The Congress collectively is enjoying (?) an 87% disapproval rate and Senator Reid thinks its against his principles to hold a conference with the House of Representatives to iron out their differences. Speaker Boehner is at the edge of tears because he thinks the Senate has picked up its toys to go home.

And all of this is due to an unwanted program, fondly (?) known as Obamacare, which after more than three years after enactment, can't seem to get off the ground and is working exactly like a typical government program. Not at all.

It seems that the computer system which was developed to run the program may not have been beta tested. It is off line or has crashed several times since midnight. I guess they forgot to read it before they activated it.

Looking back on my days in the Bank, all of the above would have been addressed and resolved before any of this nonsense got out of hand. The President has failed because he chose to ignore his primary responsibilities; the Congress has failed because, well, that's the Congress; the Speaker and the Majority Leader have failed, because like children, can't seem to play nice in the sandbox; and the geniuses responsible for the computer system took the money and ran.

And who is left holding yet another bag of government poo? That's right, the American people. But we are not blameless either. Want to know why? Well, as much as this is going to hurt, we keep electing the same clowns to represent us. We hate the Congress, but love our representatives. That's insane.

As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is repeating the same things over and over, and expecting a different result. After a while, we have become as insane as what is before us: a government off its rocker and no one there to catch it.

So, friends, enjoy today by doing what the government is doing - nothing. If our government is allowed to be insane, shouldn't we be just as crazy? We earned it.

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