Friday, January 3, 2025

Why "Congestion-Pricing" Must Fail

Today, finally, we will learn whether the New York State MTA and the state's governor, Krazy Kat Hochul, will succeed in its money-grab against the commuters and taxpayers of the New York Region with its ill-advised “congestion-pricingscheme.
Newark federal Judge Leo Gordon is scheduled to hold a hearing Friday after Jersey lawyers asked for clarification of his 72-page ruling issued earlier this week.

Based on the plaintiffs’ arguments, it appears Krazy Kat and her fellow MTA vipers may have neglected to properly investigate the impact of environmental concerns and provide the data in their final reports and recommendations.

We are confident the judge will say it can’t go forward. How can you go forward with a plan the federal court says is defective?” said Bruce Nagel, one of the lawyers for New Jersey Govenor Phil Murphy.

Oops! Big fail for the liberal green-deal champions of righteousness, methinks. Eh?

What about that, Libs? Even the “always fighting for the peopleBiden-Harris-Buttigieg regime forgot about that little detail when they agreed with Krazy Kat’s plan.

Are the residents of New Jersey expected to hold their collective breath so New York's thieves can rip off commuters for their, for now, $9.00 toll?

And, after the tragedies of the last two weeks, does anyone believe the MTA will do right with the money it would collect? After all, in 2020, after a fire revealed there was nothing on the trains to put one out, you know, like an extinguisher or a fire blanket, it was recommended that each car of each train would be supplied with one of these. At a minimum.

But, the MTA and Krazy Kat dismissed this, and instead, continued to line their pockets with toll and train fees collected from unsuspecting commuters. 

And what happened? Why, a rider was burned to death this past Christmas weekend while everyone, including a cop, stood by helplessly and watched in horror.

And you know, President-Elect Donald Trump, who made it clear he is against this scheme, will force Krazy Kat and her band of thieves to “cease and desist” when he takes office, by denying the MTA additional federal assistance through the Department of Transportation and executive orders. Since the trains fall under federal control. Just sayin’!

Even the original champion of this stupid idea agrees this should be put on hold. Former Governor Andrew Cuomo has claimed that based on economic conditions in the surrounding communities, it would an unfair additional burden to implement it at this time.

So, the result should be one where common sense prevails and that the entire “congestion-pricing” rollout be scrapped.

Otherwise, it will prove that Krazy Kat, the MTA and the current DEMONAZI Regime led by Senile Joe don’t give a $#!+ about the people at all.

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