Saturday, January 4, 2025

Giving Away Medals Like Candy

When it seemed that Biden was done handing out his participation trophies like they were “grossi pezzi di merda”, he will today hand out the Presidential Medal of Freedom like a “colpo grosso” or big shot. Does he even know why?
He is awarding a total of nineteen medals to people like Bill Nye, Michael J Fox and Denzel Washington for their contributions beyond their careers as actors, for giving back to society. And for making a difference. There are fourteen others, as well, who may have deserved this award, but I need to consider why.

However, there are two who, in my view, are nothing more than political payback.
He is giving these medals to, hold your breath, George Soros, the big Democrat Party donor in his unfettered support of left-wing causes and politicians; and to Hillary Clinton, the second-most divisive person ever to hold high office and for campaigning the highest, thought she was entitled to it. And failed.

By doing this, he is treating it like the Medal is nothing more than one you would give a child for showing up to play soccer or dancing school on Saturday. A participation award.

As for some of the others, it seems that they, too, are payments for their political support, like Anna Wintour and Bono. Wait! No Kammy or Karine Jean Pierre? They were his flunkies, too. YES??

Like I said, he is treating this award, like he did on Thursday, when he handed out the Presidential Citizens Medal to other undeserving recipients for fulfilling their loyalties to his cause.

These Medals should be limited to those who have devoted themselves to improve America and exemplify our ideals, not to be given out like cookies to a child standing in line quietly with his parents on Sunday in a bakery. The luster is lost when this is done.

How many more things can Biden give away before January 20? He has given away pardons, commutations and “get out of jail free cards” by the thousands already. And now these Medals, many of them undeserving.

The clock is ticking and the calendar shows 15 ½ days to the end of this disaster. It can’t come fast enough.

Just hold on for a few more days and pray nothing else happens in the meantime.

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