Sunday, January 5, 2025

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

As recently as this morning, it seems the now-Minority Leader, Schmuck Schumer still doesn’t get it. He is railing on about why the Democrats lost the Presidency, the Senate and the House.
When he was asked if he agreed with James Carville's assessment that elections are still about the economy, he answered the host of Meet The Press’ query this way:

"I told my caucus, and I’ll say it here, too, … certainly it was a loss, but it’s also a challenge," Schumer said of the election.

He continued to blather, "We did some things wrong and we have to look in the mirror and see what we did wrong."

No, Chucky. You ARE an idiot. In 1992, James Carville helped Bill Clinton win the Presidency with these words: “It’s the economy, Stupid.”

Thirty-two years later, old Jim, in spite of anything else he has professed since then, is still correct when you heed those words. Americans love to talk about social issues, war and peace, and other topics between elections because these matter, too.

But when you get down to the issues which really matter when the family sits at the dinner table to discuss the election, it is about who is going to make things better for that family. It is NOT about the person who champions gay rights, or abortion, or even peace in the Middle East.

As important as these may seem in off-year elections, in the end, it is going to be about who is best to fix the economy: the cost of rising food prices, the cost of gas, the cost of utilities. Everything else becomes secondary.

And lately, in spite of what the Democrats think, it isn’t them. They have become the party of elites and snobs; looking down on working stiffs, Evangelicals, Jews (especially), Catholics and even other non-Muslim religions.

And while they still profess to care about minorities, increasingly, Blacks and Hispanics have come to realize they are considered tokens, taken for granted by the elites who run the DNC. Like Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary, and their ilk. Only to be shoved aside after the election.

You see, in the American economy, the problems we all face becomes a blur. It isn’t a White, Black, Hispanic or Asian issue. It isn’t a Catholic, Jewish, Protestant or Muslim issue. It isn’t a straight or gay issue. And it certainly isn’t a DEI or CRT issue.

It is an AMERICAN issue which the current left-wing has forgotten or ignored in its quest to divide us into warring factions. But Chucky and Hakeem and company still don’t get it.

Nor does the Republican Party. Not really. That party’s claim is, “We aren’t them.” Not about how they will be better. For all Americans.

 It seems that the only person who STILL gets it is Donald Trump. Because he could easily sit on his haunches, like the billionaire he is, and do NOTHING

But instead, he is fighting to make everyone’s lives better. By devoting his time and effort to us. ALL of us.

Tomorrow, the Congress will counts the electoral votes and declare officially that Donald Trump was elected. In fourteen more days, or less, it will become a reality. And soon enough,the lives of ALL Americans will improve again.

While Schmuck Schumer still looks into some magical mirror for the answer.

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