Wednesday, November 2, 2016

#NeverTrump vs #NeverReturn

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About eight months ago, the #NeverTrump movement was in full swing as those who participated were doing so because they were (mostly) Senator Ted Cruz' supporters. As you recall, Senator Cruz was Donald Trump's major challenger by the middle of the Spring and Governor John Kasich was in it only for some misplaced sense of glory.

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Now, we are six days from the end of one of the most brutal election cycles in history. Most of Mr Trump's former challengers, including Senator Cruz, have come out in support of Mr Trump and have endorsed him for the Office of President. Only the Bildeberg, Jeb Bush, and his Bildeberg family and friends have chosen, instead, to endorse the Deleter-In-Chief, Hillary Clinton.

Many of the #NeverTrump people have decided it was time to make peace with the Republican nominee by dropping their objections and begin endorsing him. For that, I congratulate you for understanding, at a minimum, that Hillary Clinton was not the person to gain by your sincere objections to Donald Trump's candidacy. Even Senator Cruz knew a continued protest would result in an unwanted Clinton Presidency. Hence, his endorsement of Mr Trump.

So, now I am asking the rest of the #NeverTrump base to look at the events of the last few days, since Friday, and ask yourselves if your continued protest is worth the risk of having Hillary Clinton be elected? I get your protest. But now it is time to stand up for America. And you know Clinton does not have America's or your best interests at heart. She is a self-serving, conniving, lying person, who should, instead, be running for Trustee of Cellblock Six in Leavenworth.

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In years past, I have held my nose and voted for the person who I thought would do less harm to our beloved country than his opponent. Sometimes, that is the greater principle on which to stand. I didn't want McCain in 2008, or Bush in 2000, or Dole in 1996 or Ford in 1976. But I can hold my head up high because those people, that I voted for, in my view, would have done a better job than the opponent they ran against and, except for Bush in 2000, lost their elections.

You have six days to decide if you think Hillary Clinton is worth your continued protest to Donald Trump. Perhaps, this is the election where you will have to hold your nose. It would be better than staying home and sitting on your hands.

The consequence of your inaction by continuing a protest which no longer makes sense will result in an outcome from which America will #NeverReturn. Think about that.

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