Sunday, November 27, 2016

Is There NO End to Clinton Deception?

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Jill Stein had a difficult time, to say the least, to raise funds for her last place finish/1% of the vote, campaign. Now, in less than a week, she raised over $5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION DOLLARS) to challenge for a recount in Wisconsin.

Let that sink in for a moment...

How is it that this person who barely made a showing in the most contentious election in over 100 years, and who had no money, or financial supporters, was able to accomplish so much in so little time? Before last week, most people didn't know who she was.

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Now, she seems to be the most powerful woman in the United States, even more powerful than Madame Hillary. At least, that is what the LAME STREAM MEDIA @$$wipes would have you believe, the way they are gushing all over her.

Hillary, who conceded fairly graciously on November 9, said last week when this whole recount debacle started, said she would not pursue that course. In fact, she had said in October that we should all accept the election results as soon as possible, as a statement response to Donald Trump's position at the time.

But, one of her spokespeople has now responded, on her behalf I am sure, that while Hillary isn't pursuing the recount movement herself, she supports Ms Stein's action, in order that all votes have been counted. Yeah, right. Nice double-speak, Hillary.

Back to the money. I wonder how Ms Stein raised so much money so quickly. Does Clinton Foundation sound familiar?

This is the most unethical "charity" I have ever seen in my life, where no money is used for people in need, unless, somehow, they are connected to the Clintons. I guess before they have to give refunds to the foreign countries who "donated" to buy her influence, Hillary has to make one last-ditch effort to make herself queen. So, back-door contributions through other connected people to try the 2016 version of the "Al Gore pouting tantrum".

To those people who think I am out of line with this theory, just look at her record. She isn't the most honest, trustworthy or even honorable person in this country. If she were, then even a bit of impropriety would not be possible.

Just look at the record.

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I had a lot more respect for Ms Stein in September and October, as she made some very valid points during her campaign. Now, she has proven herself to be nothing more than a Clinton Stooge.

Seriously, folks, I hope she fails and it is proven she did this on Hillary's behalf and on her orders. Then, they BOTH can be cellmates in Leavenworth's Cell Block Six, and can both contend for Trustee.

How do YOU like orange, Jill? 

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