Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Statism v Liberalism and Libertarianism

I received two articles on Monday referencing the overreach of government. It is amazing to me that Libertarians like me, and Conservatives are up on arms, but not Liberals.
Why is that?
The fact that Liberals don't find the overreach of government troubling tells me that they aren't Liberals at all. Apparently, the modern Liberal is actually a Statist which is actually quite frightening.
The premise of liberalism traditionally has been less government, not more. Leaders like JFK, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower and even Nixon to some degree would not be liberals today, but rather Libertarians. Does that surprise you?
Take the Liberal’s greatest nemesis, Richard Nixon. This man was a strong anti-communist, strong on defense and a believer in tax reform, as was Kennedy, Eisenhower and Truman. Roosevelt was comparable on the first two concepts but, less so on the third. How many remember that it was Nixon who gave us the EPA, wage and price controls, a smaller defense budget, a volunteer army, Individual Retirement Accounts and opened the doors to China and the former Soviet Union?
Anyone care to guess?
These were not conservative ideas by any stretch of your imagination.
So Liberals, why do you want the government in your bedroom? In an article I received today from The Heritage Organization/religious freedom
I would think Liberals cherish the First Amendment but, I guess they choose to cherry-pick the parts they don't want touched. The part that says "freedom of religion" does not apply because they choose to read that as "freedom from religion". What about the rights of those this is intended to protect? 
Why is government violating religious freedom? Can you answer that without calling me a bigot?
In actuality, you are taking away MY rights and others like me with your application of the part of the illegal law called Obamacare, which forces me to pay for abortions when I don't agree with that practice. You have the right to choose but I don't wish to pay for your choice.
The other article which I received had to do with the right of private land ownership. In The Heritage Organization/land grab
The Environmental Protection Agency, the one created by Richard Nixon, told a farmer that he would be fined for building a duck pond on his property. Isn't that a bit of an overreach? The man is IMPROVING the environment and the government threatens the farmer with fines if he does. We do not live in a “gated community”!
Does that not offend you? Don't you think the EPA, with the tacit approval of President Obama, is reaching well beyond the intent of the original mandate and the reasonable modifications to the law made since 1970 until 2009?
This government is on steroids, completely out of control. If you choose to ignore that fact, someday something you truly hold precious and close to your belief system WILL be taken away from you and you will have no redress. You allowed this to happen because of your Statist, not liberal views.
Libertarians, who you despise so much, understand the concept of “less government”. Perhaps you should actually stop and listen to one of us. We are not kooks or racists as the “liberal" mainstream media makes us and Tea Party activists out to be.
We believe in the literal translation of the Constitution, not some twisted interpretation to fit your agenda. The Framers were very careful with each word chosen, each Article which formulated it, and the Bill of Rights attached to fix it. It has worked well since September 17, 1788.
Finally, remember that the "government exists with the consent of the governed". The government does not have all-encompassing power that Statists wish it to have. The governed are getting tired of government abuse.
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Someday soon, if the government doesn't voluntarily back off, the people will rise up as it was done before, as it was documented in our most sacred treasure, the United States DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE:
 “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
 Any Questions?

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