Friday, March 28, 2014

Russia, Europe and the USA

Could I ask a question? I know that tensions are running a wee bit high, as I wrote last week and all month but,  are WE the country that needs to put up a billion dollars while the countries of the European Union sit back and watch?
How about it Germany, France and Great Britain?  Don't you think they should kick in a few Euros, too? Why does the United States come to your rescue while you constantly criticize us for not doing enough to save your back?
Doesn't the Maginot Line, Omaha Beach, Dunkirk and crossing the Rhine ring the bells? You know, the disasters in Europe caused by one Kaiser Wilhelm and one Adolph Hitler? Or are your memories not only short but selective?
Just because our guy, President Obama, knows how to talk our ears off about nothing does not mean he knows how to lead, does not give you the right to sit back and basically do nothing. I think all of you on the other side of the pond need to chip in some money and stand up to the new and improved (?) Soviet Union or whatever Putin decides to call it before it's too late for you.
In the late, online edition of Thursday's New York Times, there is an article about the overwhelming vote by both members of the Congress to GIVE  Ukraine a
The European Union and Russia
The European Union and Russia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
billion dollars in aid to stand up to the Russians as the Bear is setting its sights on the rest of Ukraine, probably Estonia, and eventually some if not all the republics which made up the USSR. Doesn’t that sound nice?
Where are WE getting the money from? What program will be cut to pay for that outlay? Hey Congress, if you haven't heard the latest, I have a news flash for you; we are BROKE! I believe there is still austerity ongoing in this country. In politi-speak, it's called sequester. No matter what name you want to call it, BROKE probably is the most honest word for it.
Perhaps part of that approval should have included a mandatory spending cut to pay for it and a directive by the Congress to require the President to tell Europe they needed to participate in the funding and the arms support for this money to be allocated. Of course, the geniuses in both parties didn't think of that little idea to protect our expenditure. Why would they? It just might make sense.
We need to help Ukraine for no other reason but that we don't want a new USSR or Eurasian Union staring at our allies Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, among other Eastern Europe allies, that would live under the yoke of Russian domination. Part of that congressional agreement also should have included the building of the defense shield over the aforementioned countries. No matter what agreement Madame Hillary negotiated in 2009, we need to stick it to Russia and let Vlad know we mean business. We can't be pushed around by him.
These next 10 to 20 days are critical to our sensibilities. Obama needs to start protecting us and not worry about playing nice with the countries which are not supporting us as wholeheartedly as they should.
We are willing to stand up to Russia but will the European Union join with  us and stand up, too?!? Only time will tell. If they don't, well, let's just say our world will be a much different place than it is right now.

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