Friday, March 21, 2014

And Then He Came For Me

When you thought he couldn't do anything more narcissistic, after appearing on TV Wednesday to reveal his brackets, President Barry appears on the Ellen Show to shill a failing program, Obamacare. Between the ferns and the two comedians Zack Galfinkis and Ellen, does he think people will run, look for a pen, and sign up for something which we all know won't work? Quick, get me my checkbook, my pen and my phone! I need to get screwed by a failed program!
Not anyone I know with a brain.
Barry, if you read my last two commentaries, "An Argument for Impeachment"  and "As The World Burns"or any of my other commentaries over the last several weeks, you might have learned that while you were fundraising, golfing and yucking it up on TV, Cold War II has started. That is keeping your eye on the ball, Mr. President. The golf ball and the basketball. 
For the rest of us, we recognize that the Russian Bear had finally awakened from its 23 year long winter nap and this country is concerned.
This time, our "leaders" are not able to lead, sadly, because none of them know how. Joe Biden is a nice guy but he is an incapable buffoon. John Kerry? Well, this guy dissed the Iran nuclear agreement before the ink was dry. HE NEGOTIATED IT!
John Boehner will probably cry if he were in charge. Yeah, that will send Vlad running for the hills. Nancy Pelosi? She will have to sign the agreement to see what's in it. Chuck Hagel, well let's just say he was a good sergeant but, he is no Secretary of Defense and we have had some great ones. McNamara and Gates come to mind.
Honestly, none of these clowns can match a community organizer, who acts like he was promoted to leader of a Chicago south side gang bullying his way to what he wants and sending his moll everywhere she wanted to go because she knew it was only a short time before it was all over.
This is what we have in place to stand up to a very cunning, slick, conniving and yet, masterful politician who must have learned a few things about politics from Ronald Reagan when he came here as a "charge d’affaire" in the 1980s with Mikhail Gorbachev.
How sad is the state of the world right now…..
I wrote back on June 26, 2013 in "Chess, Anyone?"  that Vlad was sizing Barry up for some future confrontation. Well folks, that future is now. Barry is so naive, he still doesn't see it. He is truly out of touch with the REALITY that is Vladimir Putin. 
Even the old commissars and Communists could learn a thing or two from Vlad, you think? He is ruthless in his goal to reunify the old Soviet Union, obviously under a new name, which won't sound so offensive. Perhaps the Eurasian Union might have a pleasing ring to it.
Late Thursday, I heard that the sabers are now rattling at Estonia, one of the Baltic States which gained its independence in 1991, because "ethnic Russians" are being mistreated, much like the Crimeans allegedly were. But this time, Estonia is a member of NATO. Will Barry and his gang fight with "sanctions, costs and concern" again? Will Europe and the United States surrender Estonia to Vlad, much like Chamberlain surrendered Austria and Czechoslovakia to Hitler in 1938, just so he might leave us alone?
This time, Cold War II just might break out into World War III. As history has shown, its ugliness has a way of repeating itself much in the same way as it did the first time.
The question is "when?" When will Russia set its sights on another valuable NATO member, say, like Poland? Slovakia? The Czech Republic?
History does have a way about itself, doesn't it?

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