Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vlad the Diplomat

In Thursday's New York Times, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, wrote an interesting op-ed piece regarding recent events in Syria and the United States handling of this problem. His commentary was cogent, reasoned and rational, unlike the actions of our President and his reaction to these events.

I have provided the link to that commentary for your perusal.

It seems that Putin has decided to be the learned law professor, teaching the US and its President the basis of democracy and international law, since Obama, the law professor, has forgotten some basic tenets of Law101. Instead, he is running from idea to idea, publicly for all to see, to float which option might make him look good, while Putin, the former KGB officer, is cool, calm and collected under the pressure of the international spotlight.

Vladimir Putin is proving himself to be ever the diplomat, in a region that does not respect diplomacy. Russia has become the major player in the Middle East, riding in on the white horse to save the day, while the US and Barack Obama is not the leader, but rather the bully in the schoolyard demanding the smaller kid's lunch money.

More countries seem to have found new respect for the kinder, gentler Russia and outright disdain for the US. This is problematic for the US President to gain traction in resolving the Syrian crisis. And it now ironic that Russia, the supplier of weapons to the Syrian government, is now looked upon by the world to be the country to supervise Syria's disarmament.

As I said on June 25 in CHESS, ANYONE? about  President Obama and his handling of US foreign policy, "He is losing badly, and therefore, so is the United States. Soon, we may never recover from this geopolitical chess match. When Obama loses, the American Century will be done.

History will look at our time as we do the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, the British Empire. Fondly and with a sense of nostalgia. And the Russian Century will begin."

Well, folks, the Russian Century is beginning now, and we are its witnesses. Thanks, Mr Obama.

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