Friday, August 16, 2013

Presidential Humor

CS Lewis: Above all else, the devil cannot stand to be mocked.

Now, I am not comparing the President to the devil by any means. But understand this, all Presidents have been made foils by comedians, editorial cartoonists and private citizens all throughout our history.

So why should this President be treated any differently? Because he's Black?

That's not the way it works in this country. All public figures are fair game for our amusement. After all, we are guaranteed this by the First Amendment. It doesn't say "except for Presidents and other people of note."

Several years ago, the Dixie Chicks (who?) made some negative comments about President Bush and conservatives were up in arms about this. They wanted people to go out and break their CDs, burn concert tickets and do other forms of inconsequential stupidity. At the time, while I didn't agree with whatever they said (and I don't remember what it was), but they certainly had the right to say it.

Or how about in 1975, a young comedian by the name of Chevy Chase (and you're not!) made fun of President Ford, who was probably our most athletic president, because he stumbled a few times coming off the stairs of Air Force One, or banged his head on a door. As I remember it, we laughed heartily and didn't become indignant that he was ridiculed.

So, NAACP  and others who feel the Obama rodeo clown was offensive and mean, let me say this: Get a sense of humor! Or the next time someone makes fun of President Bush, Clinton or Reagan, I want to hear you yell with the same indignation and angst you are now.

Otherwise, shut up and finally admit that you are a bunch of hypocrites.

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